Discuss your clinical experience this term, as it relates to clinical practice, and some examples include situations, acquired knowledge, and experiences with your preceptor. Citation and reference required.

Discuss your clinical experience this term, as it relates to clinical practice, and some examples include situations, acquired knowledge, and experiences with your preceptor. Citation and reference required.

 Discuss your clinical experience this term, as it relates to clinical practice, and some examples include situations, acquired knowledge, and experiences with your preceptor. Citation and reference required.

Clinical experience this term has been probably the best one thus far. I took away a lot of information from my preceptor. I felt like my knowledge was exceptionally more advanced and I was able to practice independently much more. An example of a situation was that because I have seen so many cases by my third clinical course, I noticed many repeat cases and was able to successfully decipher situations and make appropriate diagnoses. I felt like I acquired almost an intuition based on my previous experiences which helped me form a good understanding of patients. “The experienced clinician is reminded of a situation that occurred in the past when presented with a certain new situation. Research on intuition shows that it develops after a long experience in a particular setting and that it is based on unconscious thought that is probably an exquisite pattern matching” (Dunphy et al., 2019, p. 46). An example of this situation is when a person came in with similar symptoms of a cough but had GERD and I was able to differentiate the symptoms. Another example is with a patient who came in with chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes or hypertension and hyperlipidemia I knew in advance what the doctor will be prescribing. Using clinical practice guidelines also made studying much simpler and more understandable. “In the era of evidence-based medicine, clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have become an integral part of many aspects of medical practice” (Vachhrajani et al., 2019). Using evidence-based guidelines helped mentor the patients and gain their trust as my education sources came from a valid perspective as well. Overall, this was probably the best term I have had so far. 

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