Encouraging Positive Online Behaviours

Encouraging Positive Online Behaviours


Adults are vital in encouraging positive online behaviours and digital citizenship (responsible, legal, safe and ethical use of technology) among youth. Some ways how they can achieve this include the following:
  • Model positive online behaviour themselves, e.g. establishing boundaries, being respectful in all interactions and maintaining privacy.
  • Teach them to stand up to hate and report cyberbullying, harassment and hate speech.
  • Make them realise that there is an actual person at the other end and get them to consider the impacts of their words and actions on others. They should treat others how they would like to be treated.
  • Approach online interactions and discussions with civility, empathy and kindness, even if they disagree with the other person.
  • Equip them with the skills to recognise and avoid misinformation and scams.
  • Advise them on controlling their social media content and not letting it control them. They can choose what they consume and share, so it is important to encourage them to use social media for positive things, e.g. being creative and finding informative content.
  • Teach them the importance of balancing screen time with offline activities and when to recognise they need a break from platforms.
  • Encourage them to unfollow celebrities, influencers and others online who promote unrealistically high beauty standards and advise them to follow positive accounts and those who celebrate diversity and inclusivity.
Empathy, kindness, and responsible online communication are vital to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment for social media users. It can be challenging to be empathetic online, as you cannot see other’s facial expressions, gestures and body language, which are fundamental aspects of communication. However, keeping interactions with others positive and being mindful of words and actions can boost overall happiness, mental health and well-being. Overall, it can make the online world a nicer and safer place to be.
The Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health


Most young people use social media regularly, which can positively or negatively impact their mental health and well-being. On the positive side, it can help them communicate and connect with their family, friends and peers, access a world of information, find support networks and enable them to be creative and express themselves. On the negative side, it can result in excessive use and even addiction, cyberbullying, access to harmful content, unhealthy comparisons and social isolation, all of which can harm their mental health. Parents, carers and educators are crucial in being good role models, setting a good example when using technology and social media and teaching children and young people how to use these platforms responsibly and safely. Helping them develop digital and social media literacy and essential skills will help them navigate the online world safely and understand their role in contributing to a positive online environment. The importance of understanding the impact of social media on youth mental health and taking proactive steps to mitigate potential harm cannot be understated. Many risks and dangers exist online, and awareness can keep young people safe. Adults can advise young people and help them to use these platforms positively, promoting their mental health and well-being rather than impacting them negatively. As technology continues to develop rapidly, especially with the advancements in virtual reality and artificial intelligence, all stakeholders should be committed to ongoing research, education, and advocacy efforts to promote positive mental health outcomes for young people in the digital age.
The Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health

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