How has nursing practice evolved over time? Explain the significance of evidence-based practice and critical thinking in modern nursing.

How has nursing practice evolved over time? Explain the significance of evidence-based practice and critical thinking in modern nursing.


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The nursing profession along with nursing practice has extensively changed and evolved greatly over many centuries. Nursing has existed for hundreds of decades; however, it became formally recognized as a profession and forever changed with the significant advancements developed by Florence Nightingale in the 19th century. As mentioned by Whitney (2022), Nightingale truly paved the way for and shaped the nursing profession into what it is today due to her abilities during the Crimean War to identify infection as the cause of the deaths of hundreds of soldiers through utilizing research and practice. Through this Nightingale demonstrated the importance of nursing research and the utilization of evidence-based practice to guide patient care. These concepts still hold true to this day and are essential in the nursing profession. Evidence-based practice allows for improved patient interventions and ultimately improved patient outcomes. Also, as nurses utilizing critical thinking is highly essential to patient care. Being able to make connections and think beyond concrete information allows for nurses to be able to make pertinent decisions regarding patient care. One key figure and leader in nursing history, in addition to Nightingale, is Dorothea Dix. She was a fundamental pioneer and changed the way mental health patients were not only viewed but treated. According to Sarkar et al. (2016), Dix recognized the inhumane treatment of patients who were mentally ill and worked to establish institutions that treated patients with dignity, respect and empathy. Although deinstitutionalization occurred years later, Dix paved the way for humane treatment of psychiatric patients and fought for improved care of mental health patients during her lifespan. She went against societal norms at the time and fought for mental health rights which demonstrated her empowerment, dedication and compassion for the nursing profession and highlights true leadership.
One historical nursing event that took place not that long ago in the year 2022 was the development of the suicide prevention and crisis 988 hotline. The creation of this hotline has provided numerous individuals with a safe space when experiencing a crisis. As mentioned by Morris (2023), the hotline also provides healthcare workers with a safe and confidential space to be able to talk about their mental health without having to suffer in silence. Nursing burnout, especially after the COVID 19 pandemic has drastically increased along with anxiety and depression amongst healthcare workers (Morris, 2023). The 988 hotline also provides alternative resources and brings awareness to the topic of mental health of all individuals including healthcare workers.
Morris, G. (2023). What Nurses Should Know About The 988 Suicide Prevention Hotline.

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