Humor Health Promotion/ Sensitivity to Each Patient’s Goals + Values

Humor Health Promotion/ Sensitivity to Each Patient’s Goals + Values


Humor Health Promotion/ Sensitivity to Each Patient’s Goals + Values
  • Goals to have patient adopt health-promoting behaviors
    • Information not enough
Therapeutic Effectiveness
  • Self-awareness + self-reflection
  • Openness
  • Self-confidence + strength
  • Genuineness
  • Concern for individual
  • Respect for individual
  • Knowledge
  • Ability to empathize
  • Sensitivity
  • Acceptance
  • Creativity
  • Ability to focus + confront
Emotional/ Spiritual/ Physical Care
  • Listening
    • Shows patient you care
    • Get information
  • Silence
    • Nonverbal response
  • Open-ended questions
  • Listen/ silence/ touch/ convey acceptance
Healthy People 2020
  • Improve health literacy
    • Health promotion requires effective communication
    • Read, comprehend, + follow through on health information.
Values Clarification
  • Method discovering one’s values + importance of these values
  • Own values + biases
  • Helps people recognize what values they hold + evaluate how those values influence their actions
  • Patient values lead to behaviors that conflict with RN value of promoting health
    • Ethical dilemmas
    • RN examines conflicting values
    • Possible outcomes to promote health interventions
Steps in Self-Awareness
  • Listening to oneself
    • Self-concept
      • Mental picture of self
    • Self-esteem
      • How people feel about the way they see themselves
    • Judgement + attitudes about self
  • Listening to + learning from others
    • Feedback
  • Self-disclosure
    • Share aspects of self
    • Disclosure in one triggers disclosure in another
  • Practical reflection
    • Understand one’s own thoughts + actions to take action in future
  • Need self-awareness + clarification of values
    • Therapeutic use of self-impaired
Relationship Stages
  • Orientation/ introductory phase/ RN + patient meet
    • RN structures interaction
    • Establishing a connection
      • Consistency
      • Sensitive pacing of communication
      • Active listening
      • Conveying concern + warmth
      • Pay attention to comfort + control
  • Working phase
    • RN + patient work together to promote patient’s health
  • Termination phase
    • Ending relationship
    • For therapeutic relationships
Ethical Communication
  • How receiver is getting the message
  • Treat people with respect
  • Barriers
    • Sender
    • Message
    • Receiver
    • Anxiety/ attitudes/ noise/ activity/ distance/ language/ beliefs

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