NR103: The Language of Healthcare

NR103: The Language of Healthcare


Module 1: Successful Student

➥ Tips to be a Successful Student
  • Incorporate the personal qualities of successful students into your routine.
  • Identify ways to increase your study effectiveness.
  • Explore alternative ways to take notes.
  • Reduce distractions while studying.
  • Discriminate between the levels of test items common in nursing examinations.
➥ Qualities of a Successful Student
  • Enthusiasm to succeed
  • Commitment to learning
  • Self-motivation
  • Confidence
  • Effective communication skills
  • Compassion
➥ Learning Domains
  • Cognitive: Cognitive learning is based on the acquisition of knowledge—exploring thoughts, ideas, and concepts. This is acquired through words and pictures, thinking, and problem-solving.
  • Psychomotor: Psychomotor learning is concerned with the development of skills, and the learner is actively involved in hands-on activities.
  • Affective: Affective learning is concerned with the development of attitudes, feelings, and emotions.
➥ Time Management
  • Self-Discipline:
    • The ability to say no.
    • The ability to avoid time traps.
    • The ability to self-motivate.
  • Overcoming Procrastination:
    • Procrastination is defined as the individual putting something off to a later date to decrease their current anxiety or stress. In the long run, procrastination leads to more stress and anxiety than if the task was just completed initially, instead of putting it off until the last minute.
  • Avoid Time Traps:
    • A time trap is anything that distracts a person from doing what they planned, which takes self-discipline and knowing what needs to be done. Examples of time traps would be anything that takes time that has no real benefit, such as unwanted phone calls, rush hour traffic, excessive socialization, social media, binging on Netflix, unnecessary meetings, and waiting for others.
  • Setting Realistic, Measurable Goals:
    • The acronym SMART is used to recall that goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Learn more about SMART goals by viewing each tab below.

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