NURS-FPX6011 Evidence-Based Patient-Centered Needs Assessment

NURS-FPX6011 Evidence-Based Patient-Centered Needs Assessment



The identification of the needs of the patients holds great significance in the implementation of improved strategies effective for the positive outcomes of the patients regarding the healthcare services provided to them. The identification of the healthcare needs of the patients and understanding of the preferences of the patients regarding the treatment provided to them can be effectively done by using practices based on evidence (Tringale et al., 2022). These evidence-based practices can help in developing the strategies necessary for the improvement of the health of the patients and increasing the rate of positive patient outcomes. This assessment will address the specific needs of the patients regarding the prevention of fall rates in older adults which increases the burden on the emergency departments thus leading to the financial draining of the healthcare facility. However, with the intervention of technology, this health issue can significantly improve the patient response and reduce the rate of emergencies. The technology is also effective in mitigating the risk of damaging health responses due to delays in treatment.

Importance of Addressing Patient Engagement 

The engagement of the patient in addressing and managing the health situation is necessary to validate that the implemented strategies are effectively considering the requirements of the patients and producing results that are based on evidence (Marzban et al., 2022). Through patient engagement, the stakeholders and the healthcare providers will be able to increase the effectiveness of the preventive measures and self-management plans developed for the patients based on their needs. The issue regarding the increase in the fall rate of older adults leading to emergencies needs the complete involvement of the patients in identifying the root causes of the incidents and how these incidents can be effectively prevented using improved strategies for enhanced outcomes for the patients. Addressing the cultural, financial, and health preferences of the patients ensures the sustainability of the strategies and the treatment provided to them.

Management of Health Needs

The issues including loss of balance, poor vision, and weakness of the muscles in older adults often lead to falls which can be effectively prevented by providing proper training to the patients regarding the management of balance through physical activities and improved mobility programs that will increase the self-management of the patients by increasing the awareness regarding health maintenance and engaging patients in finding home environment things that are causing falls along with providing them with appliances suitable to create ease in their walk.

Economic Needs Management

The financial situation of the patients creates huge health issues including delays in treatment and unaffordability of the prevention training programs or assistant services needed to improve patient walking and eliminate the risk of falls (Maresova et al., 2023). This issue can be resolved by providing patients with opportunities that will improve the affordability of health services including by developing partnerships with communities that will provide free health services to the patients and improve the response of the patients regarding the care coordination provided to them.

Cultural Needs Management

The cultural beliefs, values, and norms regarding health treatments are always the priority of the patients mostly the older adults connected deeply with their religion and inherited beliefs. To ensure the effectiveness of the treatment provided the patient’s consideration of the cultural needs of the patients is necessary (Curtis et al., 2019). There are some cultures in which the family prefers to be involved in the prevention of falls due to which it is essential to provide effective education to the family members regarding the elimination of factors leading to falls. It will increase the rate of patient satisfaction and well-being which will ultimately have a positive impact on the organization.

Patient Engagement Strategies

Patients’ involvement in health management strategies can be improved by providing them with quality education regarding the self-management of the disease and ensuring the validity of the needed resources in an effective way (Ramírez et al., 2021). The deliverance of services in clear and understandable language will create more ease for the patients in understanding the prevention required to improve their health situation.

Impact of Information and Communication Technology

Integration of information technology along with effective communication in the clinical facility and the treatment of the patients will drastically increase the rate of positive patient outcomes by ensuring the availability of 24-hour health services and care coordination through remote monitoring channels and devices (Haleem et al., 2022). The use of ICT will reduce the risk of falls and emergency admissions by continuously and regularly monitoring patients and assisting them in the prevention of health risks.

Increase in Awareness Regarding Fall Prevention

The integration of ICT in the health treatment plan of patients increases awareness of the patient regarding the use of ICT tools and how they can be effectively operated to enhance the positive outcomes of the patients (Jayousi et al., 2024). The mobile applications are designed to improve the knowledge regarding self-management, personalized care enhancing home safety, and improving the environment for health improvement.

Regular Monitoring

The use of telehealth devices can improve the monitoring of the health of patients by increasing patient engagement in health management and regularly consulting with their healthcare providers about any change in their health (Shawwa, 2023). Through the integration of ICT, healthcare providers can provide regular consultations about the safety of the patient by assessing the home environment, and prescribed medications, and monitoring patient involvement in physical exercises.

Assistance in Effective Mobility and Balance Management

The wearable devices help healthcare providers give knowledge to patients regarding balance management exercises and the prevention of falls through the early detection applicable to the wearable devices (Warrington et al., 2021). The early detection of falls by generating alerts can prevent health damage by timey involving the family members and the healthcare providers in assisting the patient.

Areas of Uncertainty

The uncertainty regarding the use of ICT and lack of knowledge about the technology are not effectively considered in this planning of the information technology intervention. The cultural beliefs of the patients will also create hindrances in the way of management of health using technology. The technology integration also increases the privacy and security concerns of the patients which need to be effectively considered for the better response of the patients.

Value and Relevance of Technology

Technology integration has become a necessity of all healthcare facilities due to the emerging trends in the healthcare industry regarding the increased involvement of information and communication technology for the improvement and increased rate of positive patient responses. The value of mobile applications is increased due to their effectiveness in regularly monitoring the health situation of the patients and providing them the early intervention of the healthcare facilitators for the improvement in their responses. Telehealth also ensures the early detection of any fall and improves the management strategies for the prevention of health damages that can be caused due to the fall (Haleem et al., 2021). Through the use of ICT data sharing about the health situation of the patient is increased among the healthcare providers and the patients which will help both in effectively understanding the gaps in management strategies and how they can improved for the enhancement of the health response of the patient.

Effective Communication Strategies

The communication between the healthcare providers and the patients is one of the major factors that need to be improved for a clear understanding of the patients and improved patient response regarding the health services provided to them (Sheehan et al., 2021). A few communication strategies that can be implemented to effectively deliver knowledge to the patients are given below;
  • The knowledge provided to the patients regarding the prevention of falls should be clear and honest without any ambiguity for better patient understanding.
  • The interfaces of the ICT devices need to be user-friendly for the improvement in the use of the technological devices.
  • Assuring the safety of the patient data and the information recorded for patient treatment.
  • Empowering patients to control access to their information and increase the authenticity by proper verification.
  • The use of simple language, audio-visual aids, and accurate information will help the patients understand the technology integration in the process of treatment.
  • Provide icons in the applications that are easily understandable to the patients for the effective use of the applications and positive health outcomes.

Innovative Strategies for Leveraging Technology

The innovative strategies for the integration of technology in the clinical facility to decrease fall rates in older adults act as a cornerstone in ensuring positive outcomes for the patients. A few innovative strategies are given below;

Mobile Applications

The integration of mobile applications in the betterment of the process of prevention of falls among patients can be updated for better functionalities that are effective for the patient’s increased engagement in the management of their health situation (Hague et al., 2020). It can be updated according to the cultural preferences of the patient so they can easily interact with it and act upon its guidance regarding self-management for fall prevention.

Wearable Devices

The wearable devices ensure the actual monitoring of the patient situation of the patients having the risk of falls by providing the functionalities of early detection of the fall, regularly monitoring the activities of the patient, and providing timely alerts to the caregivers and the healthcare providers regarding the health situation of the patient or any kind of risk associated with the fall of the patient for the prevention of health damages (Warrington et al., 2021). These devices have the functionality of providing multilingual instructions to the patient to consider the cultural preferences of the patients.

Remote Consultations

Telehealth devices ensure the timely and regular consultation of patients with healthcare providers to keep them updated about their health condition (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2020). Moreover, through the use of telehealth services patients do not have to visit hospitals daily which will create ease for patients having isolated geographic conditions, limited transportation, and insufficient financial resources.

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