nursing concept mapping example depicts the responsibilities of a circulating nurse

nursing concept mapping example depicts the responsibilities of a circulating nurse


CIRCULATING NURSE - Responsibilities to the patient & surgical team

This nursing concept mapping example depicts the responsibilities of a circulating nurse. a circulating nurse is someone who assists in managing the nursing care of a patient during surgery. They also ensure that there are no breaches in the surgical aspects and coordinates the needs of the surgical team.

Benefits of Nursing Concept Maps

Some of the most effective teaching methods are concept maps that help students accurately obtain the necessary details. A concept map is a method for learning that introduces people to learn meaningful problems.

Nursing concept maps are used as a way to incorporate theory and practice, case management, educational journals, and nursing students' study techniques. The use of the concept map approach in nursing students has been described as enhancing the feeling of success, self-confidence, and the skills to build a critical thinking capacity.

Furthermore, it was found that nursing students can more effectively recognize subjects they do not know, understand the subject better, and have a positive impact on their academic achievements.

The diagram illustrates four key areas of responsibilities - prevention of infection, the psychological response, behavior response, and culture of safety. Section culture of safety - medication safety, time out, skin preparation, count policy, and, positioning practices.

Under the prevention of infection, the concept map elaborates upon - Traffic patterns, surgical team, surgical asepsis, and surgical attire.

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