PSYC FPX 3002 Assessment 1 Time Management Exercise Student Name PSYC FPX 3002 Developing a Psychology Perspective

PSYC FPX 3002 Assessment 1 Time Management Exercise Student Name PSYC FPX 3002 Developing a Psychology Perspective

 PSYC FPX 3002 Assessment 1 Time Management Exercise
Student Name


PSYC FPX 3002 Developing a Psychology Perspective

Prof. Name:


Please complete a schedule that incorporates time for both school and your personal responsibilities. Include all activities that are part of your life. Below are some suggestions to help you get started. You may divide times as you see fit.

Volunteer work
Social Media/Friends
Eating/Food preparation
Reading for school
Main discussion
Responses to discussion
Assessment preparation/Research
Writing assessment time
Your Schedule
Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
11 p.m.–6 a.m. Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep
6 a.m.–9 a.m. Workout / Eat / Prepare for work Workout / Eat / Prepare for work Workout / Eat / Prepare for work Workout / Eat / Prepare for work Workout / Eat / Prepare for work 6 a.m. – 8 a.m. Workout / Eat / Meditate 6 a.m. – 8 a.m. Workout / Eat / Meditate
9 a.m.–10 a.m. Work Work Work Work Work 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. Capella Time 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. Check email / Plan for assignments
10 a.m.–12 p.m. Work Work Work Work Work 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Variety of choices
12 p.m.–2 p.m. Work Work Work Work Work Lunch / Chores Lunch / Chores
2 p.m.–4 p.m. Work Work Work Work Work Chores Family
4 p.m.–5 p.m. Work Work Work Work Work Family Grocery Shopping
6 p.m.–8 p.m. Dinner / Family Dinner / Family Dinner / Family Dinner / Family Dinner / Family Dinner / Family Dinner / Family
8 p.m.–11 p.m. Capella Time Capella Time Capella Time Capella Time Family activities / Time with wife Family activities / Time with wife Capella Time
Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
What is your career goal as a psychology major today?
I am currently a Mental Health Practitioner in a public school. My aspiration is to transition to working in an outpatient office or to advance within the school district.

Of all the activities in your life, identify your top three highest priorities and top three lowest priorities.

Highest Priorities
Family and Foster Children
My health and well-being, as I am diabetic.
Lowest Priorities
My band, which could easily take a backseat.
My podcasting and social time.
My chores, which are ongoing, so I do not need to worry too much about them.
If you have time management conflicts between these priorities, how will you decide where your time goes?
I am adept at adjusting my time and saying no when it negatively impacts my priorities.

To fit school into your schedule, what activities will you need to shift or lessen? What did you normally do during those time blocks?
Typically, I would spend time with my wife catching up on shows or working on a project in the garage. My wife is flexible and understanding, so if I need more time away, we will find a way to make it work.

When something comes up that you must handle, identify what activities in your plan will be replaced so you can do schoolwork?
I would likely adjust the time allocated for family activities and chores, as these times are flexible. My children are great at entertaining themselves and understand that their father is back in college.

Plan for managing schedule changes, including conflicts, problems, and technology issues. Consider the following:

When you have computer, Internet, or electrical power problems, what is your backup plan and will this add time to your schedule?
I am fortunate to have three computers available. Additionally, I have a Wi-Fi hotspot on my phone and access to my parents’ office when needed. This may add time due to changes in location and transferring saved items from one computer to another.
PSYC FPX 3002 Assessment 1 Time Management Exercise
Do you commit to following this plan for achieving your career goal?
With the support of my family, I am dedicated to my plan, understanding that it may need to change due to life’s circumstances.

Approximately how much time did it take you to complete this Time Management Exercise Worksheet?

About what I planned or expected.
More time than I planned or expected.
Less time than I planned or expected.
If this assessment (and/or other activities in your schedule) took more or less time than expected, describe specific changes you need to make in your future time management planning.
I am currently unsure. I feel that I allocated ample time for this assessment, considering it is my first.

Note: Save this completed worksheet as a Word document (.doc or .docx) on your computer. Then, attach a copy of this document as your submission for your assessment. 

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