Tasks: 1. Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an intervention. Provide a summary of the study, focusing primarily on the intervention. Was the development and implementation of the intervention described in detail? Based on a theoretical framework? Did the design of the study promote investigation of the effects of the study—for example, was there comparison of experimental and control groups? Were there variables that could have impacted the findings that were not part of the intervention? Was there evidence of efforts to monitor the safety of participants? Are there any ways that the study could have been improved?

Tasks: 1. Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an intervention. Provide a summary of the study, focusing primarily on the intervention. Was the development and implementation of the intervention described in detail? Based on a theoretical framework? Did the design of the study promote investigation of the effects of the study—for example, was there comparison of experimental and control groups? Were there variables that could have impacted the findings that were not part of the intervention? Was there evidence of efforts to monitor the safety of participants? Are there any ways that the study could have been improved?


Module 6 Assignment:

Professional Development: 
  • Each response to a task below should be 500-1000 words.
  • All responses should be combined into a single document for submission.
  • APA formatting required.
Please submit only complete assignments (not partial or “draft” assignments). Submit only the assignments corresponding to this module. Please label each assignment with:
  • Your name
  • Course number
  • Module number
  • Date
___________________________________________________________ Tasks:
1. Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an intervention. Provide a summary of the study, focusing primarily on the intervention. Was the development and implementation of the intervention described in detail? Based on a theoretical framework? Did the design of the study promote investigation of the effects of the study—for example, was there comparison of experimental and control groups? Were there variables that could have impacted the findings that were not part of the intervention? Was there evidence of efforts to monitor the safety of participants? Are there any ways that the study could have been improved? 2. Locate a nursing study that uses some aspect of the Internet (for instance, for recruitment, delivery of an intervention, or completing online assessments. What challenges did the researchers face, and how were these challenges overcome (or not)? How could future research efforts be improved? 3. Locate a study that is a secondary analysis. Why was this study conducted as a secondary analysis rather than a primary analysis? What were the sources of the data? How did this study contribute to nursing science?

Module 7 Discussion Question 1:

Discuss the significance of tracking systems for data management. How does this work, are there any benefits, and what are some issues to keep in mind?

Module 7 Discussion Question 2:

Differentiate among three data analysis techniques commonly found in nursing literature: correlation, dependent (paired) t-test, and independent t-test.

Module 7 Assignment:

Professional Development: 
  • Each response to a task below should be 500-1000 words.
  • All responses should be combined into a single document for submission.
  • APA formatting required.
Please submit only complete assignments (not partial or “draft” assignments). Submit only the assignments corresponding to this module. Please label each assignment with:
  • Your name
  • Course number
  • Module number
  • Date
___________________________________________________________ Tasks:
1. Using any Internet search engine, locate and report on three types or brands of database software. Explain the advantages (or disadvantages, if any), which you prefer, and why. Include a link to each site (or product) and a brief summary of the databases and/or services provided. 2. You are conducting a research study that includes a number of surveys. Several of the research participants left “blank answers” on the surveys. What are the possible options for dealing with this situation? What is the best option that you would choose, and why? 3. Using your computer’s office tools, develop a pie, bar, or plot chart to represent the following population estimates:
Population Percentage
  • European American 20
  • African American 30
  • Native American 20
  • Hispanic American 30

Module 8 Discussion Question 1:

Argue the pros and cons of evidence-based practice (EBP). Why would a focus on EBP be good for the discipline of nursing? How can barriers to the use of EBP be overcome?

Module 8 Discussion Question 2:

Contrast poster and podium presentations. Briefly explain which you prefer, and why.

Module 8 Assignment:

Professional Development: 
  • Each response to a task below should be 500-1000 words.
  • All responses should be combined into a single document for submission.
  • APA formatting required.
Please submit only complete assignments (not partial or “draft” assignments). Submit only the assignments corresponding to this module. Please label each assignment with:
  • Your name
  • Course number
  • Module number
  • Date
___________________________________________________________ Tasks:1. Explore the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) website: http://www.ninr.nih.gov/ Review its publication Bringing science to life: NINR strategic plan (2011, p. 7) to identify the current priorities for nursing research. Do you agree with the priorities or would you recommend addition or elimination of some of the priorities? What effect do the nursing research priorities have on nursing researchers? 2. What criteria must be met in order to consider a practice, evidence-based? Provide examples. Explain the role quality plays in evidence-based practice. 3. Based on the information you learned to this point, write a research proposal that relates to the topics you chose for a previous assignment. Be sure to include the following information in your proposal:
  • Hypothesis
  • Theory
  • Design model
  • Method
  • Anticipated results
  • Potential Dissemination Avenues

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