Week 1: Discussion Question 1 – The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health Discussion Prompt

Week 1: Discussion Question 1 – The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health Discussion Prompt


The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) landmark publication – The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health has significantly changed the nursing profession. Review the IOM 2010 Report – The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Identify and discuss one (1) example of the impact the Future of Nursing report has had on the Advanced Practice Nurse role – Clinician, Educator, Researcher, Administrator, Entrepreneur, Consultant, or Leader. IOM Report Retrieved August 20, 2018 from The Future of Nursing

*Note: You can read the book online or download a free PDF copy. See the right side of the website. Do not purchase the book.

Additional Resource:

Campaign for action. (2018). Progress continues on IOM future of nursing report recommendations. Retrieved August 20, 2018 from https://campaignforaction.org/progress-continues-iom-future-nursing-report-recommendations/

Week 1: Discussion Question 2 – Applying Jean Watson’s Theory on Human Caring/Caring Science Core Principles to APN Practice

Discussion Prompt

Jean Watson’s Theory of  Human Caring/Caring Science is one theoretical framework used throughout the USU College of Nursing courses. The practice implication of Watson’s Human Caring Theory evolves our thinking and approaches to patient care from a mindset of carative (cure) to one of caritas (care). The core principles/practice are founded on a:

  • Practice of loving-kindness and equanimity
  • Authentic presence: enabling deep belief of other (patient, colleague, family, etc.)
  • Cultivation of one’s own spiritual practice toward wholeness of mind/body/spirit—beyond ego
  • “Being” the caring-healing environment
  • Allowing miracles (openness to the unexpected and inexplicable life events)

Some individuals are comfortable framing their practice with Watson while others prefer different theories or a collection of theories. However, Watson is based on caring which is a foundation of nursing. Anyone could use the core principles to guide decision making. Select one of the core principles and discuss ways you might be able to apply the principle in guiding your advanced practice nursing practices.


Watson, J. (2021). Caring science & human caring theory. Watson Caring Science Institute. https://www.watsoncaringscience.org/jean-bio/caring-science-theory/

Jean Watson’s Philosophy of Nursing. Jean Watson’s Philosophy of Nursing (currentnursing.com)

Week 1: Quiz

Quiz Instructions

Chapters 3 and 4 – There are ten (10) multiple choice questions. The quizzes come from your Joel’s chapters. You can prepare for the quiz by reading the assigned chapters ahead of time. Review the major concepts from the readings and take notes.

Week 1: Assignment – Plagiarism Certificate

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, to “plagiarize” means:

  • to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own
  • to use (another’s production) without crediting the source
  • to commit literary theft
  • to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else’s work and lying about it afterward’ (Plagiarism.org).

Assignment Prompt

Exercise 1 – Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism – This is a simple Yes/No exercise providing several short cases and asking if the writing is plagiarized or not. The exercise takes 15 to 20 minutes. To access the exercise go to: https://plagiarism.arts.cornell.edu/tutorial/exercises.cfm and select – I am a guest. I am taking this quiz for my own interest. From University of Cornell, College of Arts and Sciences.

Save the tally page with the following information: Thank You, You correctly answered XX out of XX questions. Thank you for using this online tutorial on how to recognize and avoid plagiarism. Feel free to return to complete the exercises at any time.

Save in a PDF and upload to the Plagiarism Certificate dropbox.

Exercise 2 – Plagiarism-by-Paraphrase Risk Quiz – This is an interactive plagiarism risk quiz. To access the exercise go to: http://faculty.goucher.edu/writingprogram/sgarrett/Default.html. Each topic area exercise quiz takes 10 to 15 minutes. Select a topic of interest to you from the five different topic areas:

  • Literary Criticism

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