2.Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. implementation of the IOM future of nursing report essay assignment paper example. 3.What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action?

2.Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. implementation of the IOM future of nursing report essay assignment paper example. 3.What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action?

B). Significance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” Report

Nursing profession comprises over 3 million practitioners making it the largest segment of the United States’ health care delivery workforce (IOM, 2010). Nurses work on the front-line in health care system and contribute a direct impact on patient care. The proximity to patients and scientific knowledge of processes across the continuum of care, make nurses the most potent healthcare staff in effecting significant transformation in the health care delivery system.  Implementation of the provisions of the report would enable nurses to be better equipped for leadership, diversity of patient needs, and scientific research capacity. implementation of the IOM future of nursing report essay assignment paper example.

The report designed four key messages that guided the formulation of recommendations significant to the nursing practice. First, nursing should be practiced to the full scope of training and education (Rubenfeld & Scheffer, 2010). This provision requires the redesign of the state and national regulations outlining the scope-of-practice for nurses. This will guide policy reform across all states so as to ensure that nurses perform duties that make total use of the full extent of education qualification. Secondly, nurse should obtain greater levels of training and education through an enhanced system of education. Through higher education, nurses can be able to deliver care that is patient centered and safe, across various settings of nursing practice.

Thirdly, nurses should partner with other health practitioners to redesign health care delivery system in the United States.  Promoting leadership capacities and opportunities for nurses will enable nurses to move forward in this partnership role. The fourth outline of need is that effective policy making and workforce planning require better data handling and information infrastructure.  This facilitates transformation in education and deployment of the nursing staff. The four key messages guided the development of far-reaching recommendations for reforms in the nursing practice. The recommendations aim to increase to 80% population of nurses with baccalaureate degrees and double the number of holders of doctorate qualification by 2020. The committee also recommended the implementation of the nurse residency programs. The final recommendation was to ensure that institutions and educators facilitate nursing programs that promote lifelong learning.  implementation of the IOM future of nursing report essay assignment paper example.

C). The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action

The campaign is an initiative that was founded to facilitate the implementation of the IOM report by promoting collaborations across states (RWJF, 2011). The ultimate aim of the campaign is to enable all American citizens to have access to patient-centered and high-quality care with the participation of nurses to the full extent. The campaign utilizes action coalitions that comprise health, consumer, business and other leaders nationwide. Campaign for action is working at every level in every state to create sustainable change in order to improve health care for all people. The campaign actively engages all individuals, states, and national institutions from the government, health, philanthropic, education, and business sectors. The focus areas for the campaign include: strengthening education and training in nursing, enabling professional practice of nurses to the full extent, ensuring advanced inter-professional collaboration and coordination in patient care delivery, expansion of nursing leadership capacity and participation in health care management, and improvement of health care work force data collection and processing. The future of nursing: campaign for action is implemented by the Center to Champion Nursing in America (CCNA), an initiative of the AARP, the AARP Foundation, and the RWJF. It comprises 48 action coalitions, some health care organizations, policy makers, consumer advocates, academic, business, and philanthropic institutions and communities.

D). Rationale for state-based action coalitions

Health programs and state laws and regulations are unique to every state Rubenfeld, & Scheffer, 2010). The rationale in implementing action coalitions at the state level was to ensure greater participation and initiative ownership by state individual citizens, state government, and private health organizations. It does this while ensuring delivery of uniform health care programs through guidelines by CCNA and RWJF. Policies and legislation regarding health vary to a great extent across states. The RWJF and CCNA have the role of provision of planning tools and assistance, campaign and information resources, communica

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