4020- Assessment 4 – Improvement Plan Tool Kit Sample Improvement Plan Tool Kit School of Nursing and Health Sciences, Capella University NURS-FPX4020: Improving Quality of Care and Patient Safety
4020- Assessment 4 – Improvement Plan Tool Kit Sample
Improvement Plan Tool Kit
School of Nursing and Health Sciences, Capella University
NURS-FPX4020: Improving Quality of Care and Patient Safety
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Month, Year
Allison, D., & Peters, H. (2021). The need for root cause analysis (RCA). Root Cause Analysis (RCA) for the Improvement of Healthcare Systems and Patient Safety, 3-10. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003188162-2
The book adheres to a well-established training framework, incorporating practical illustrations and activities, with the aim of instructing healthcare practitioners and students on the principles of proficient and triumphant Root Cause Analysis (RCA) in order to eradicate patient damage. The present publication examines the necessity of RCA within the healthcare industry, offering pragmatic guidance for its effective implementation. The text covers the appropriate utilization of RCA, the development of efficient RCA action plans, and strategies for mitigating typical RCA failures. The curriculum for RCA training is also encompassed. The publication is important as it comprises those who hold leadership positions in the field of patient harm events, as well as leaders, students, and patient safety advocates who possess a keen interest in expanding their understanding of RCA within the healthcare domain. The resource highlights the significance of incorporating lessons from negative incidents into an organization’s safety culture. The publication has also prioritized the client as the focal point and acknowledge the significance of conducting thorough incident investigations for caregivers. The materials effectively prioritize a systems-based approach to medical errors, highlighting the significance of accurately identifying the underlying cause of an incident and establishing a proactive strategy to prevent its recurrence.
Cooper, E. E. (2017). Nursing students’ perception of safety in clinical settings: From the quality and safety officer. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7(10), 91. https://doi.org/10.5430/jnep.v7n10p91
The article is useful as it provides information regarding the prioritization of teaching strategies aimed at enhancing patient safety as one of the central focus for nurses in reducing medication errors. The article also examines the utilization of error reporting methods by student nurses within the clinical environment, focusing on the findings of a study conducted by the Quality and Safety Officer at a School of Nursing and Health Professions. The study is important as it provides a comprehensive analysis of the utilization of safety tools and the perception of safety concerns in clinical environments by pelicensure baccalaureate nursing students. The responses indicate that nursing students encounter difficulties when it comes to reporting errors and near miss situations. The article is useful as it highlights evidence of challenges in error reporting among nursing students, but it also suggests that ensuring patient safety remains a paramount concern for the nursing student.
Hannan, J., Sanchez, G., Musser, E. D., Ward-Peterson, M., Azutillo, E., Goldin, D., … Foster, A. (2019). Role of empathy in the perception of medical errors in patient encounters: a preliminary study. BMC Research Notes, 12(1). doi:10.1186/s13104-019-4365-2
According to the article, empirical evidence shows that the presence of empathy among healthcare practitioners is associated with a reduction in the occurrence of medical errors. Medical errors have a significant impact on both patient outcomes and the well-being of healthcare personnel. Hence, the objective of this study was to establish the correlation between patients’ assessment of healthcare providers’ empathy, their intention to comply with treatment, and their perception of medical errors committed. Based on the study, the article shows that there is no significant association found between the provider’s empathy and the intention to follow-up with recommendations or return to the provider. Patients who received treatment from clinicians with high empathy did not exhibit greater treatment adherence compared to those who rated their provider with poor empathy. However, these patients were less likely to accurately recognize medical errors. The impact of providers’ empathy on patients’ perception of medical errors was found to be significant. The findings of the study is important as it emphasizes the necessity for healthcare curricula to incorporate the connection between em