6 Assignment  Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process

6 Assignment  Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process


Evaluating the implementation of an evidence-based practice (EBP) project proposal is essential to ascertain that it meets the set goals and objectives. Diabetes mellitus is a public health concern and a chronic condition affecting millions of individuals across the United States and around the world. Evaluation of self-care management interventions as implemented by patients in their home settings is critical to attaining better or quality outcomes (Alhaiti et al., 2020). The essence of this evaluation plan on implementation of self-care management for diabetes mellitus patients is to explore the anticipated outcomes, review data collection tools related to chosen research design and select a suitable statistical test and methods to apply in collection of data and assessing the outcomes of the tools.

Expected Outcomes from the EBP Project Proposal

The implementation of this EBP project aims at improving self-care management and effective adherence to treatment interventions for patients with diabetes mellitus in their home settings. Evidence shows that self-management leads to better patient outcomes by enhancing adherence to glycemic control, effective use of blood sugar levels monitoring devices and increased participation of patients in decision-making and taking actions to address the disease. The expected outcomes include enhanced information on self-management, better understanding of control of different aspects like sugar levels and effective use of digital monitoring devices, including deployment of telehealth to enhance overall adherence (Hunter, 2018). Through this approach, the project will reduce possible adverse cases, increased emergency room visits and involvement of caregivers at home for the patient to attain quality care.

Data Collection Tools based on the Chosen Research Design

The proposed EBP project will use a qualitative research design in collecting data and perspectives from patients. Through a qualitative design, the researcher can appreciate thoughts, ideas and experiences of the participants in relation to the proposed project and its importance to their self-management approaches of diabetes mellitus. Qualitative design uses a host of data collection approaches that include focus groups, interviews and observation as well as literature review.

The selected research data tool for the project is interviews where participating patients will fill questionnaires showing their experiences and ideas about the efficacy of the intervention. They will give their opinions, views and experiences on changes coming as a result of implementing the intervention. The other tool that will be deployed is observation where patients will record the number of times that they engaged in self-management practices like monitoring of blood sugar levels and taking necessary actions to prevent any exacerbation (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). These tools will complement each as they will allow the participants to translate what they observe into experiences and generate the most-effective way to manage blood sugar levels.

Statistical Tool for the Proposed EBP Project

Statistical tests provide an approach for stakeholders in a project to make better and effective decision concerning a study. The main purpose of statistical tests is to assess a hypothesis about the significance of a given study sample and interactions between predictor variables and outcome variables. The proposed EBP project will deploy regression as a parametric statistical test. Regression tests contain stringent requirements which ensure that they are strong inferences when analyzing the collected data. Regression test will demonstrate the cause-and-effect perspective about the phenomenon under investigations (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). This tool will show the cause of increased emergency room visits and the effect of using self-care management to enhance adherence to blood sugar levels monitoring.

Methods of Data Collection Tool, Measurement and Outcome Evaluation

The primary methods of data collection in this project will be interviews and observations that participants will record before, during and after the implementation of this intervention. The interviews will detail their experiences, practices, and self-initiatives to improve adherence to blood sugar monitoring to prevent adverse events and even hospitalizations. The outcome measurement will be founded on the collected data through analysis of the responses and observations recorded by the participants with the help of their caregivers in their homes (Mikhael et al., 2019). The project will deploy satisfaction surveys to assess the effectiveness of the measures deployed to enhance adherence and self-management. Positive outcomes will comprise of reduced exacerbations of diabetic, ef

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