A Discourse on Ransomware and the Control Measures for Target Organizations What is a Ransomware?

A Discourse on Ransomware and the Control Measures for Target Organizations What is a Ransomware?


    Ransomware is malware designed by recent programmers with malicious intentions where the malware is designed to encrypt important details from the target computer and demand ransom for decryption. The model is designed to enhance the tactical attacks performed by the previous bank Trojans. As a result, it combines various detailed techniques that converge towards victimizing targets by demanding ransoms after interfering with the access of important documents in the victim’s computer. Although malware has existed as a known cyber-attack, its prevalence has occurred in the past two years when large organizations have reported such cases. Control measures for this malware require the acquisition of different skills and knowledge to ensure information safety through the accessibility of information and awareness in navigating websites.

    Why is the Malware Different?

    One of the reasons for its difference in comparison with other malware designs is that it is very simple. The programmers behind this malware use it to gain financial gains by attacking the most delicate information of an organization using simple algorithms that are not easy to articulate. Additionally, the method used to attack this malware entails detailed research of the target organization to ensure that all its organizational members are subject to malware attacks. It is a drive-by malware and infected content downloads (Razuala et al., 2023). The targets visit websites that align with the organization’s activities, which is an important aspect of organizational operations management. The ransomware encrypts delicate information of the organization to ensure that it can respond within the shortest time possible to avoid repercussions. Another point of view is that the malware uses Bitcoin to facilitate transactions between the attacker and victim, which leaves no trace making it difficult for the authorities to apprehend cases.

    Why is it Such a Problem?

    Ransomware is a current problem in managing cyber-attacks since it does not leave traces for the authorities. In this perspective, organizations cannot gain governmental protection from such attacks because the mechanism is simple but hard to solve. Once the attackers can encrypt an organization’s vital information, there is no solution other than to succumb to the ransom and bet on the decryption process (Ibrahim et al., 2023). Additionally, the attackers may go against the deal and leave the organization in a jeopardized situation. It occurs when the malware activity of the ransomware is irreversible. From this point of view, malware is a significant problem regarding privacy and security policies that protect the data and information of benefactors. Different stakeholders end up disrupted by ransomware which calls for awareness as the current trends in information technology also facilitate it.

    How to be Ready for Such Threats

    Promoting awareness of this malware is the first step which entails knowing what to do when the attack is ongoing. In this case, computers connected to the organization’s operations should employ Anti-Bot technology to protect against the incorporation of malware in frequently visited websites. Additionally, detecting the ransomware within the network and blocking communication between it and its control servers enables the organization’s security team to contain the situation. The computer outsourcing threat should then be disconnected to minimize the possibility of spreading the malware attack to other computers connected to the organization’s operations (Ibrahim et al., 2023). Additionally, the Anti-Bot technology disables the accessibility of files in the storage, disabling the ransomware from affecting other devices connected to the organization’s operations.


    Ibrahim, A., Tariq, U., Ahamed Ahanger, T., Tariq, B., & Gebali, F. (2023). Retaliation against Ransomware in Cloud-Enabled PureOS System. Mathematics11(1), 249.

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