a literature review with 18 sources and one-page annotation of the article The topic is: Leadership and its impact on team dynamics and performance in collegiate sports but mainly focusing on tennis

a literature review with 18 sources and one-page annotation of the article The topic is: Leadership and its impact on team dynamics and performance in collegiate sports but mainly focusing on tennis



Annotated Bibliography

Anderson, M. J., Wilson, R. L., Carroll, S., Hull, M., Anderson, J., Evans, J., Halleran, G. M., & Podgursky, M. (2023). Gender differences in leadership practices among college tennis coaches and their influence on athlete psychology. Using the Multi-Component Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-C), the study examines the significance of various leadership components in shaping athlete well-being and sport involvement within collegiate tennis programs. Medio Muz Hershey Athletic Lab. رجال عمادة الأنشطة الطلابية. DOI: 10.26276/jpwo0.19506

Benson, A. J., Hardy, J., & Bloom, G. (2023). Applying transformational-transactional leadership and developmental experience to athlete retention within a cohort model mission-driven professional womens football organization. This article examines the significance of leadership approaches and developmental experiences in keeping athletes within the organization. It stresses the vital role leadership plays in communications, training, and professionalism, as it deeply comprehends the effects on athlete endurance and ennui. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8002587

Carroll, S., Wilson, R. L., Anderson, J., Anderson, M. J., Lane, K. L., Halleran, G. M., Evans, J., & Podjurksy, M. (2022). Team cohesion and college tennis: Examining Patty Tech impacting male and female student-athletes. The Sport Educator Journal, 5(1), 57-66. DOI:10.36078/557d7a69.2022.100


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Facebook. (2023). Activity participation leads to positive social and personal development outcomes in participants. Kids Sports. Available at: https://www.facebook.com/kidssports.co.ke/posts/the-importance-of-a-team-cannot-be-overemphasized-join-us-and-our-friends/105727934701445/?extid=I7xZ7jUVB09gnuL7&d=https://www.facebook.com/kidssports.co.ke

Gould, D., & Carson, S. (2008). Annotation: Talent development in sport: The ABCs of optimal experience. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines, 50(1-2), 118-129. This article establishes the ABCs of elite talent development activities within sporting events. In addition, the author outlines the difference between expertise and competence in sports education organizations such as colleges and how they can be sustained.

Lucas, C. M., Kearney, A. M., Gilah, G., & Kremer, P. (2023). Coach leadership and perceived role efficacy in adolescent athletes: The mediating role of athlete autonomy. J Sports Sci 41: 1-9. This article indicates that trainer motivation goes a long way in motivating learners. A committed coach who demonstrates passion and puts in the effort and time transforms student-athletes and alters how they perceive sports roles. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2023.2307014

Malukauskien?, L., Galubovi?, M. & Virbickait?, A. (2020). Leadership styles model in cooperation process. This article discusses how various leadership styles, such as autocratic or transformational, impact student athletes by examining cases that display leadership components. Rhineland Publishing Web-Book. DOI: 10.36740/KUR202031

Marois, F., Baril, G. L., Lenswlus, J., & Sabourin, V. (2023). Impact of double goal-friendly coach s on athlete social development across sport contexts. The study demonstrates how quality coaching influences youth athletes across social dimensions. It displays how former high-caliber coaches constitute critical infrastructures for youth sports by facilitating notable social changes for youngsters. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7755001

Nanto, L. M., Skleres, B., Sayles, D., & Spink, K. S. (2023). Emerging group leadership in a skewed network: The case of division-1 collegiate tennis athletes a varsity board perspective. An instructor network case for Emerging Group Leadership explores how faculty networks and group coaching efforts go to offer a supportive atmosphere that reduces overwhelming feelings and burnout significantly. DOI: 10.48526/qkzg-8myh

Stewart, A. M., & Taylor, J. W. (2023).Athlete-parent relationships and developmental outcomes in youth sports: Insights into parental contact experiences. Human Kinetics Journals. This article covers how coach engagement influences student-athletes' aggregate performance and behavioral orientation. The author discusses the need for quality coaching that includes goal devotion, innovation, empathy, and transformational adaptive skills that create a cordial instructor-parent-student relationship. DOI: 10.1123/jsep.2023-0058

Yukl, G. A. (2010). Leadership in organizations. Seats, Savanti; Prentice Hall. This article reports that effective leadership derived from different theories like management comes down to understanding organizations better. This leads to effective le

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