Abortion Should Be Available in Modern Society

Abortion Should Be Available in Modern Society




It is no secret that the problem of the availability of abortions in terms of legal aspects in current socio-demographic conditions in the United States occupies a special place. Today, the polarity of public opinion is becoming relatively contradictory. In general, there is a significant gap in the population’s views on the legality of abortion within the framework of gender, religious and political moments (Hartig, 2022). Nevertheless, recent research has proved that the existing laws do not lead to a decrease in abortions but aggravate the situation and force women to risk their lives and health (Langer, 2021). It becomes evident that forced motherhood is one of the most inhumane actions in the world. Restricting women’s access to termination of pregnancy is a severe step, often with adverse consequences at the micro, meso, and macro levels. Abortion should be acceptable in modern society without being prohibited by laws and policies.

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Access to Abortion

Based on the student’s subjective opinion, abortion must be considered an allowable procedure for women. Primarily, termination of pregnancy is a purely personal female problem in which no one should interfere. In this case, abortion is one of several medical operations, and, as with every surgical operation, all issues are solved by a healthcare specialist and a patient. Consequently, this intervention should be considered in the spectrum of a constellation of rights to life, equality, privacy, and freedom from cruel and inhuman treatment (Langer, 2021). In addition, modern women, unlike their great-grandmothers, have a possibility of reproductive choice, which their ancestors did not have. Priorities of contemporaries are set differently: career, striving for personal growth, or travel. The world is open to a woman today, and a child’s birth does not always fit her plans. Hence, it often happens that pregnancy comes at the “wrong time,” and abortion will be able to solve some of a person’s difficulties.

Relying on a liberal position, abortion is permissible at any stage of embryo and fetus development since a fetus is part of a mother’s body until birth and does not have the right to life. It is assumed that a human embryo and fetus have no value. Before birth, a child does not exist but appears fully formed out of nowhere at the time of childbirth and can be arbitrarily deprived of life at any time. When an egg is fertilized, some genetic material is obtained that may not become a fetus at all because there is a condition when there is no embryo itself. Still, there are fetal membranes, and it is required to wait for this situation until the seventh or eighth week. From the moment when a woman has a delay in menstruation, and her pregnancy test is positive, it is impossible to assume precisely what kind of pregnancy it is in the future of her gestation. Thus, abortion, to one degree or another, is not considered murder, a sin, which means it is permissible, and it is not the same as going out on the street and demanding permission to kill.

One would like to believe sane people in the country make up the majority. If a referendum on the right to abortion suddenly took place, the idea of a legislative ban would not receive the support necessary for passage. In general, statistics show that the vast majority of American women agree to legalize abortion (Hartig, 2022). Nonetheless, one should remember that misbirth can be a terrible, fatal blow to a female body and, therefore, acceptable, but not in all cases. Accordingly, this intervention should be cautiously approached to avoid potential risks and undesirable results.

A Legal Issue

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In this case, abortion is perceived more as a legal but not a religious issue in modern realities. Depending on the position taken in the dispute, the legislation either prohibits abortions (with some exceptions for medical reasons) or vice versa – provides a woman with the opportunity to solve the issues of her motherhood herself. The question of when the right to life begins is within each individual state’s competence. This is because, firstly, the issue of such protection is not resolved in most states themselves, and, secondly, there is no European agreement on the scientific definition of the moment of the beginning of life. For example, after Roe v. Wade, decis

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