Advantages of Civil War in the Southern and Northern America

Advantages of Civil War in the Southern and Northern America


The American Revolutionary Conflict was battled from 1861-to 1865 and was among the worst wars. Over 620,000 soldiers perished in the fight, making it one of the bloodiest wars. The war was fought between the Confederate States of the Americans, comprised of Eleven southern states that declared independence from the Us States, and the U.s made up of 23 northern states. The primary cause of the war was slavery and states’ rights. The Confederacy wanted to keep slavery while the Union wanted it abolished. Therefore, this paper will discuss the civil war and how it enhanced the achievements of the Southern and the Northern sides.

Civil War-era events are covered in the American pageant, which took place between 1854 and 1861. The chapter concludes following a summary of the events leading to the Kansas–Nebraska Act and the Dred Scott ruling before the dispute. First, there was the American Civil War. is discussed. Then, Lincoln’s efforts to hold the Union together are described. Last but not least, the chapter explores how and what the American people have to say about the Civil War’s lasting effects.

In the author’s words, one of the most important outcomes of the Civil War was slavery’s abolition. For centuries, slavery had been an important part of American life, but it was finally abolished after the war, reuniting the nation and strengthening the federal government’s authority (Kenneth & Lizabeth, 965-1003 ). The South had several advantages after the war. They had a strong economy, a well-trained military, and a motivated population. They also had a large territory, making it difficult for the North to occupy and control.

The South had a solid international reputation, which helped attract foreign investors and trade partners. However, they finally lost the war, but they also lost a great deal of property and infrastructure. After the war, the largest southern area was distorted, and the economy was in shambles. The South also lost its political power and was forced to accept many Reconstruction-era laws and amendments that limited their autonomy (Ager et al.,3767). The South also gained several things after the war. They earned their freedom, of course, and the right to self-government. They also gained respect from the rest of the country, as they had fought bravely against overwhelming odds. After the war, the South was guaranteed some new opportunities, as the Reconstruction era brought many new businesses and industries to the region.

There were numerous advantages to living in the North as well. The reality that they maintained a greater population was the most significant. About 22 million people lived in the Union, compared to just 9 million in the Confederacy. The North’s larger population meant they had more soldiers to fight and could replace its losses much easier than the South. The North also had a much better economy. The Union’s economy was about twice the size of the Confederacy’s economy.

After the outbreak of the war, the North had some different outcomes. Firstly, they were left in a position to maintain control of the federal government and the military. Secondly, they could win many vital battles, which helped turn the tide of the war in their favor. Moreover, they were capable of imposing a naval blockade on the Confederacy, which severely hampered the Southern economy (Ager et al.,3767). They were also able to recruit many African-American soldiers, who played a crucial role in helping the North win the war. Finally, they had the powers to bring the war to an end, resulting in the country’s reunification.

Generally, each region benefitted from the war, beginning with the army strengthening and economically developing coping mechanisms. Slavery and state rights were major points of contention during the conflict. Both the North and the South suffered significant effects due to the conflict. Slavery was abolished in the North, and the federal government gained more authority due to the conflict. New technology and industries were also developed due to the conflict and a population boom in the North. Alternatively, thousands of people lost their lives and many properties in the South during the conflict. Slavery was abolished as a result of the conflict in the South. Therefore, despite the North winning the war, both parties gained a lot, thus thriving in the future.

Work Cited

Ager, Philipp, et al. “The Intergenerational Effects of a Large Wealth Shock: White Southerners after the Civil War.” American Economic Review, vol. 111, no. 11, 1 Nov. 2021, pp. 3767–3794, 10.1257/aer.20191422.


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