An Exploratory Analysis Of Socio Political, Natural And Cultural Factors On International Tourism Growth

An Exploratory Analysis Of Socio Political, Natural And Cultural Factors On International Tourism Growth




In this globalised world, tourism industry is an integral part of every economy, including both developing and developed countries. This industry becomes a source of nine percent contribution in global GDP (WTTC, 2016). As per the recent statistics about the tourism and travel sector, it is found by the World Travel and Tourism Council that growth of this sector is much higher than the growth of global GDP. Despite the long term global economic downturn, it could be observed that this industry is generating more than 101 million jobs and it is having significant share in economic output of the world economy (WTTC, 2016).  It is noteworthy that the nature of its growth is not same in all countries. Its structure, growth patterns along with effects vary in different economies. For example, Adams et al., (2017) told that as compared to USA, this sector has created more employment opportunities in the emerging economies like China and India. Basically, this tells that this international business of travel and tourism is influenced by various factors ranging from socio-political and natural to the socio-cultural factors. Kivela (2017) has highlighted that these factors which are influencing the growth of this international tourism business, needs to be explored in further detail. Therefore, this research aims to examine such factors which are causing growth of international tourism.

2.Research question

What are the factors which influence the growth of international tourism for a destination?

3.Research objectives

Following are the research objectives which will help in answering the above designed research question. The objectives are:

  • To review the previous research studies about the factors which may influence the growth of tourism in a destination.
  • To conduct a survey to investigate the impact of socio political, natural and cultural factors on international tourism growth of China.
  • To recommend how the international tourism growth could be sustained.

4.Literature Review

The foundation of this research is on the underpinnings of the consumer theory of utility maximization (Greene, 2008). This theory helps to simply the tourism-related issues. It is posited by this theory that a consumer usually explores all of the available alternatives when he/she has to travel any destination. That destination has more chances to be selected which provides the highest utility to the tourist (Seddighi and Theocharous 2002). In a similar manner, that tourism destination is selected which has the maximum utility for the tourists, as compared to all other alternatives which are available to the tourist. So basically, there a various factors which influence the alternatives of tourism destinations (Andersson, Mossberg and Therkelsen, 2017); the present research will be based on the exploration of such factors.

The competitiveness of this international tourism industry has increased significantly. Due to globalisation and advancements in the information technology, tourists has become able to select those destinations which are best in all possible manners. They want those destinations for their leisure and business tourism activities which could provide them highest possible service standards in the lowest or reasonable range of prices (Golembski and Niezgoda, 2012). Nevertheless, the physical and natural attractions of any destinations like building, water, land and other infrastructure is crucial to be counted as the resource for this tourism industry (Mowforth and Munt, 2015). There are also other factors which becomes a source of attraction for the tourists when they have to select any destination. According to Hall and Page (2014), the growth of this sector is dependent on positive tourism experience which is made up of sociocultural, physical and geographical aspects of the destination. In a similar manner, Holden (2016) told that deleivrey and quality of service along with the diversity in available options is also crucial for sustaining the growth and quality of tourism sector. Smith (2014) mentioned that considering the complex dynamics of this industry, it is not unreasonable to say that factors like politics, socio-economic and environmental aspects are also crucial for growth of international travel and tourism. For instance, Blanke and Chiesa (2013) said that tourists hesitate to visit those destinations which are in economic or social turmoil. The understanding of such factors which influence the growth of tourism sector may lead towards sustainable tourism development. Mason (2015) has mentioned that role of social preferences and told that authentic experiences and learning are associated with the future demand of tourism products and services. Likewise, the studies conducted in econometric context has found that economic

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