analyse this case study: Emily is 60 years old. Emily is a perfectionist who sets very high standards for herself and everyone around her. She is married and has two grown up children with whom she has a distant relationship

analyse this case study: Emily is 60 years old. Emily is a perfectionist who sets very high standards for herself and everyone around her. She is married and has two grown up children with whom she has a distant relationship

People's health trajectories throughout their lives begin at infancy, childhood, adolescence, and childhood. Each development stage individuals go through requires significant health dedication and adaptive tools necessary to achieve the next developmental phase sooner or later. Transitioning from one age group to the other is crucial in maintaining an individual's overall health status. The above case scenario denotes a middle-aged female (60 years) with stringent preferences for herself and her immediate people. Her work overload constitutes severe individual rare case scenario in the entire continent. It is crucial to note that everyone seems satisfied and contented in her personal and professional life. The environment in which Emily operates can trigger various socio-economic causes of factorial developments, which might in the scenario left untreated culminate to avert health issues despite the fact that she has not gone through any problematic transitions. This paper aims to evaluate the rarity of centenarian women. This will include a case analysis context in which important transitions constitute the social and psychological development of people ageing. This paper shall give a development stage rationale, Ezra model application and explanation, life course approach, and a psychological health development consideration concerning the case scenario above.

Rarity of Centenarian Female

Having a different explanation concerning the transition and milestone in a given life stage is crucial, provided it is reasonable. In some cultures and societies, universally accredited transitions involve change of job, devastating loss, enrolment in schooling, establishment, and commencement of formal schooling. Some of these changes are expected at specific life course intervals in a given culture. The transitions eventually culminate into the transformations in the individual's or planet's permanent psychological, clinical, or physiological self. The case individual's transition is rarely considered catastrophic or novel milestones within the participants revolving around the precipitating development. The case study individual's coping contexts indicate their age. For example, a 60-year-old can cope with occupational pressure compared to a 30-year-old. In this vein, the bigger transitions constitute the inevitable and baseline progressions of general evolution in a given culture. When examining how crucial social transitions are, the sentence rarely makes sense while saying all evolution progressions are social transitions. However, crucial transitions are those shift milestones that happen relatively when adults or children learn. The transitions decrease consistency and guarantee few prediction opportunities as well as coping inappropriately within the settings of normal stress within a given societal environment (Jirtle, 2022).

Application of Ezra Model in the Case Study

According to Lewis et al. (2020), the Ezra model addresses some basic questions: What makes us sick? What makes us healthy or unwell? The model links physical health and disease. Epidemiology permits the graft of illness factors, and Ezra proposes that people wouldn't contract diverse diseases if only exposed to diminishing or no toxins while living in a healthy environment, sleeping adequately, and exercising intensely. This model suggests that high health vulnerability is caused by poor quality of sleep. Ezra model reinforces that an individual is more likely to thrive in a less risky and unpredictable environment in healthy social structures. Restriction of opportunities to engage with society while increasing work at home indicates that Emily's husband always travels for work cultivated her worry and stress mindset. It also influences the relationship between her and the children as they are now grown up racily. Stress has also affected Emily's sleep cycle and thus the need to limit high working speeds to a reasonable rate. Accordingly, fewer social opportunities at increased work time fulfillment amplify high sleep annoyance so that sleep results in long-term factors of hampered sleep because of a high work-related strain (Lewis et al., 2020). High periods of particulate matter pollution predict high risk vulnerability to tenuous sleep quality. Exposure to outdoor particulate-related pollution makes women more inclined to develop sleep trusts while encountering high maternal age count (Baek et al., 2019).


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According to Vandenbroucke & Günther (2022), progressing through life necessitates the application of adaptive strategies that ensure compatibility with the increasingly intricate responsibilities anchored in socio-institutional progressions. The life course approach indicates how structural challenges spanning inc

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