Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Abortion

Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Abortion




Abortion remains one of the most controversial topics in the world. Many people believe that it is wrong and consider it to be murder, where a significant number support it but for specific reasons. Abortion provides one of the unending and disturbing American moral and legal struggles. The topic introduces many ethical dilemmas relating to the moral status of the fetus and the meaning of human life (Kirkey). Arguments about pregnancy termination concentration on the rights and wrongs of intentionally ending a pregnancy before the scheduled childbirth is resulting in the demise of the fetus. Abortion remains to be a painful topic for both women and men facing the dilemma of making ethical decisions relating to whether or not to terminate the pregnancy. People continue to question whether abortions are morally wrong and whether it should be legal or illegal. Moral disagreements among critics do not stop people from performing abortions, even in countries where it is illegal. This research discussion argues that abortion is seriously wrong except for some instances.

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As noted above, abortion is morally wrong except for some circumstances. Many exceptions have been raised that allow abortion; for example, pregnancy resulting from rape and abortion in the first 14 days after conception in which people argue that the fetus has not matured to a person. Another exception includes cases where the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother as well as when the fetus is anencephalic. Many arguments discussion about abortion is considered to be intractable based on the symmetries that emerge from the scrutiny of the major arguments on either side. For example, critics argue that fetuses are both human and alive, and every human has the right to life. Hence, fetuses have the right to life, whereas women have the right to control their bodies. Nonetheless, the right to life for the fetuses overrides the right of a woman to control her body meaning than abortion is morally wrong.

Many medical and scientific developments have occurred since the United States Supreme Court provided a ruling about the Roe v Wade in 1973. This case has significant implications on the future of abortion (Lipka, and Gramlich). One of the major developments has been the rise of the neonatal intensive care and the subsequent lowering of the time of fetal viability. There has also been increased utilization of the sonogram and growing concerns for the link between fetal health and women’s occupational health. The case has facilitated many medical changes and legal developments that concentrate on the assessment of the fetus rather than the rights of women. Abortion is a complex issue that has raised many controversies in the country. Recent studies point at different reasons for keeping abortion legal in the United States. For example, prohibiting it could result in high rates of illegal abortion throughout the country. Therefore, there is an increased need for open discussion regarding the moral nature of abortion decisions and recognition not conferred as moral wisdom by constitutional freedom.

Before the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the Roe. Wade, abortion was illegal in 46 states; 16 states had laws identical to the requirements of the Model Penal Code. Such laws allow abortion if necessary, to ensure women’s life and health are protected. The Model Penal Code also allows abortion if a fetus would be born with a grave physical or mental defect or if the pregnancy results from rape or incest. Prior to the Supreme Court’s ruling, 32 states forbidden abortion except when it would save a woman’s life. The supreme court failed to uphold some of these state laws; for example, it did not defend state laws that prohibit abortion on the grounds that the fetus is a live human being.

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There are many arguments for and against abortion; for example, some people argue that women have the right to choose since it is their body. Abortions are not an easy decision for women, and it should be solely a woman’s choice, not the pressure of lawmakers. These women understand their situations and therefore are better suited for making such decisions. Opponents of abortion base their arguments on the right to life. The counter women’s right to chose by arguing that the fetus has the right to life. They claim that bo

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