Analysis of the Candidates Knowledge Related to Stakeholder and Inter-professional Teams to Implement Care Coordination

Analysis of the Candidates Knowledge Related to Stakeholder and Inter-professional Teams to Implement Care Coordination


Inter-professional team coordination benefits patients with multifaceted healthcare needs.  Mohr et al. (2019) associates care coordination with cost management, enhanced patient experiences, and reduced healthcare services use. The healthcare sector is characterized by distinct stakeholders, such as policymakers/governments, scientists, suppliers of healthcare products, patients, managers, non-clinical professionals and clinicians. Effective collaboration between these stakeholders results in safer and quality healthcare. Therefore, the potential candidate should be aware of the importance of involving key stakeholders in program design and evaluation. He/she should acknowledge that stakeholders’ involvement in healthcare programs design enhance their support and contribution to quality improvement initiatives.

Analysis of the Candidates Knowledge related to data Outcomes Use to enhance Care

The health care sector collects data from various sources like medical records, billing records, patient’s surveys, and administrative enrollment records to reduce health care costs and improve patient’s outcomes. Additionally, healthcare providers use data outcomes to enhance clinical care, generate new information, and streamline their surveillance process (Pastorino et al., 2019). Therefore, the potential candidate for the Care Coordinator post should outline how he/she can use data outcomes to improve patient experience, reduce medical costs, improve workflow, and implement evidence-based practices. For instance, the potential candidate should explain how he will use data outcomes to improve patient’s treatment process, documentation process, and quality improvement at the facility. Similarly, a competent candidate should be aware of the important role that big data plays in today’s healthcare sector. Thus, the selected candidate should beware of the current issues affecting the healthcare industry.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2016, November). Priorities in focus-care coordination.

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