Analyze a historical issue from the first half of US history ( from the beginning to 1877) tou will need to compare two opposing issues on that topic

Analyze a historical issue from the first half of US history ( from the beginning to 1877) tou will need to compare two opposing issues on that topic

The Compromise of 1877

Part I. Introduction

In 1876, there was a presidential election dispute that involved Samuel Tilden,

Democratic candidate and Rutherford Hayes, a Republican candidate. It was a controversial topic

in American history. Tilden, the New York Democratic candidate, had won 247,448 more popular

votes in the election than Ohio’s Hayes who represented the Republican. However, the electoral

votes casted in Louisiana, Florida, and South Carolina states from the Southern side were

disputed. Tensions continued to increase highly for about four months, that is, from November to

February. The issue of who was to be America’s next president remained unsettled until the

following year when a compromise arose hence resolving the disputed presidential election


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