Analyze how the Civil Rights Movement would impact diversity in America today

Analyze how the Civil Rights Movement would impact diversity in America today


Civil rights campaigners now want greater opportunities to prevent such atrocities. The Eyes age requires knowing what is new. Racism must be abolished from our society as a whole (Harmon, 2019).The African American civil rights fight inspired many other persecuted communities. Consider the recent immigrant rights marches around the country. In a dramatic resemblance to the civil rights battle, immigrants said "we, too, are America." Agricultural workers' movements and organizations like the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund, modeled after the NAACP's Legal Defense Fund, have been active since the late 1960s. The women's movement was influenced by the civil rights movement. The LGBT and refugee rights movements. These are only a few points to remember. The African American civil rights movement may inspire campaigns in other cultures.

It would be better if the civil rights movement brought togetherness rather than division. I believe that many Americans are still not accepting the fact that white racism is no longer a problem. White men are scared about losing power. That's the point. That's what I see when I stare at this guy's knee on George Floyd's neck. Unhappy with the world's development, a white man acts out of character. To create unity, the movement must recognize our distinct differences. To change one's surroundings, one must first ensure that one's own potential is completely fulfilled. To do so, we must appreciate one other and endeavor to overcome our own prejudices. Humans have biases and assumptions in their minds. But we may all go outside of them and treat people as we would want to be treated.

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