Analyzing the Impact of Self-Reflective Practice in Relation to Self-Care

Analyzing the Impact of Self-Reflective Practice in Relation to Self-Care

Holistic Philosophical, Theoretical, and Ethical Principles to Professional Nursing Practice

In this competency, I utilized various strategies to interact with different patients. I focused on fulfilling all of the patient’s needs: physical, psychological, cultural, emotional, and religious beliefs (Frisch & Rabinowitsch, 2019). I interacted with a patient with prostate cancer. By applying the philosophical approach, I was able to know the emotional and social impact of prostate cancer on the patient’s quality of life. After that, I offered preliminary counselling and referred the patient to a psychiatrist for additional review.

In the context of ethical principles, I applied two ethical principles in my practice. The principle of autonomy advocates the patient’s active participation in clinical decision-making (McDermott-Levy et al., 2018). I allowed the patient with prostate cancer to choose among various palliative management techniques. Further, the principle of beneficence requires healthcare practitioners to engage in actions that benefit patients (McDermott-Levy et al., 2018). I ensured that the patient selected evidence-based interventions. Accordingly, this will promote better patient outcomes and improve his quality of life.

Integrative Nutrition from a Nursing Perspective as a Foundation of Holistic Practice

I learned about holistic nutrition during my interaction with a diabetic patient. I learned that integrative nutrition focuses on the routine diet and other eating habits. The main focus is to optimize the patient’s health. In collaboration with dieticians, I advised the patient to minimize sugary foods and trans fats, increase consumption of vegetables and fruits and minimize processed foods (Koliaki et al., 2020).

Utilizing the Holistic Caring Process

In this competency, I applied my clinical knowledge to assess patients, establish their needs, determine the desired outcomes, create a therapeutic plan, and implement and evaluate patient outcomes (Frisch & Rabinowitsch, 2019). To accomplish this, I used proper verbal and nonverbal communication cues to create a good rapport. This enabled me to establish and address all of the patient’s needs. Additionally, I researched and collaborated with other interdisciplinary team members to develop the best patient-centred treatment plan. I learned that the holistic caring process is continuous, and perpetual evaluation should occur to modify the treatment plan.

Applying Therapeutic Communication to Holistic Nursing Actions

To achieve this competency, I upheld key verbal and nonverbal communication cues. I embraced active listening, which involves taking notes with an upright and open posture and nodding. Proper turn-taking enabled me to avoid patient interruptions (Kwame & Petrucka, 2021). This made patients give detailed information. I embraced empathy by sharing the patient’s feelings. I also paraphrased and summarized the patient’s feedback. This makes the patient recognize that they have been understood and their perspectives are relevant. I learned that therapeutic communication helps minimize patients’ emotional problems, create a good rapport and increase the likelihood of holistic care (Kwame & Petrucka, 2021).

Integrative, Holistic, Caring Environments Supported by Evidence-Based Strategies

To achieve this competency, I collaborated with other interdisciplinary team members to manage patients based on their individual needs. For example, prostate cancer patients suffer from not only physical pain but also emotional pain and social problems. I counselled the patient and referred him to a psychiatrist. In addition, integrative nutrition enabled me to develop individualized dietary plans for diabetic patients. An example is minimizing sugary and processed foods (Koliaki et al., 2020).


In this competency, I evaluated the impact of my actions. This entailed the interventions that I took and their benefits to patients. Additionally, I evaluated the impact of my actions on the healthcare facility and other stakeholders. I learned that self-reflection helps to increase self-awareness (Galutira, 2018). It makes healthcare practitioners conscious of their practice and decisions (Galutira, 2018).

Impact on Nursing Practice

The knowledge and skills acquired from these competencies will enable me to embrace quality patient-centred services in my future practice. Holistic care will ensure that my services address all of the patient’s needs. Similarly, therapeutic communication will enable me to establish a good rapport with patients and increase the likelihood of holistic care.


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