Application Of Microorganism In The Field Of Biotechnology

Application Of Microorganism In The Field Of Biotechnology




Microorganisms have been used for preparing food products like bread, yogurt, coward, alcohol-dependent drinkable, cheese, etc, for a very long time. The first genetically modified plant was produced in 1983, using an antibiotic drug-resistant tobacco plant. In 1994, the transgenic Flavor Saver tomato was released. The modification allowed the tomato to delay ageing after picking. In the early 1990s, recombine choosiness was approved for use in several countries, replacing rennet in cheese-making.Biotechnology can be defined as the use of living organisms and biological systems which is used to develop useful products. It can also defined as any technological applications that use biological entity, biological organisms or their derivatives, to make or transform products or practices for certain use. It time and again

overlaps with the biomedical application and bioengineering fields, depending upon the different applications and tools used. The applications and uses of biotechnology in food process is immense and this includes the following applications such as – italicization in fermentation of substances and also to enhance properties of the material goods such as the taste, fragrance, shelf-life, texture, select and nutritional value of that special food product. Biotechnology has an important role in the production of enzymes and the use of certain enzymes leads to the required modifications in food. Bioengineering is used in the production of food constituents; flavors, perfume, food additives and an array of other high valued-enhanced products, genetically modified organisms and crops. Food testing and in diagnostics of food ingredients the use of advanced profession of biotechnology is done. Biotechnology helps in increasing food production, provides enhanced harvest index, nutritional and storage value is also increased, better raw materials production, enriched flavors and the manufacture of food that contains vaccines. The remunerations of biotechnology in reducing the load on food production are huge.


Various applications of food biotechnology involving microbes are:

  1. Genetically Modified Food– A gene from one species is transferred into another species which will have a trait that is desirable to another food species, such as a longer shelf life or preventing diseases.
  2. Fermentation- It utilizes bacteria to digest certain macro-molecule sources and produce alcohol, acid, carbon dioxide, and amino acids/pep-tides. Use of fermentation can generate numerous food products e.g., wine, beer, cheese, bread-stuff etc.
  3. Cloning of Plants and Animals - With advances in technology, this is one of the newer applications of food biotechnology.


Better shelf life as in Transgenic Tomatoes

Gene from E.coil called Kan(r) and FLAVR SAVR gene (from a tomato) were inserted into plasmid and these were inserted into group of tomato cells in growth medium containing an antibiotic.

FLAVR SAVR gene coded for a strand of RNA that is reverse of a strand of RNA naturally occurring in plant. Original RNA strand in plant is responsible for production of enzyme polyunsaturate.

Complementation strand of RNA from FLAVR SAVR gene binds to polyunsaturate RNA prevent output of polyunsaturate and natural process of the tomato.


Ultramodern microbiological processes have resulted in the production of different fermented milk products of higher nutritionist value under controlled conditions. Several new types of fermentation milk products are becoming popular all over the world. .

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