Application of the ecological model to explore factors that contribute towards mental health wellbeing and mental disorders

 Application of the ecological model to explore factors that contribute towards mental health wellbeing and mental disorders


The ecological models were generally created as an effective way that helps in visually illustrating family, individual, organization, societal factors, and community. As per the view of Hawkins et al., (2021), this also helps to influence well-being and mental health concerns and to reduce mental disorders. This model also reflects people’s mental health is mainly affected by both negative and positive levels and the research also explores some foundational kinds of frameworks. On the other hand, WHO (World Health Organization), effectively describes that health is a type of state of the complete mental, physical and relates to social well-being. In addition, this is not merely the absence associated with infirmity or disease. Therefore, this ecological model explores factors that contribute towards mental health wellbeing and mental disorders. However, Bernard & Stephanou (2017) stated that this model was effectively developed to recognize the ways and factors that the individuals are mainly affected by a very complex kind or range of nested environmental factors or interactions. On the other hand, it also relates to some social influences upon the people.

Figure 1: Ecological Model to explore factors that contribute towards mental health wellbeing and mental disorders

(Source: Bernard & Stephanou 2017)

This model also helps to recognize the factors or several ranges that can cross among multiple levels like individuals, relationships, communities, society and policies. On the other hand, they can also influence or impact the people based on the intersectional and cumulative kinds of experiences. This model can be applied in the context of six essential levels associated with influence. The influence is related to all systems, contexts, and an environment that helps in complete support and understanding of healthy development that contributes towards mental health wellbeing and mental disorders. On the other hand, Horn et al., (2021) stated that this model is applicable for shifting the narrative related to mental illness, disorders and health from any individual issues. In addition, this ecological model and its application can be based on shifting the mental health-related narrative from the first focus upon illness. Moreover, the other focus is upon mental well-being that considers the range of essential strategies. The application of this model can contribute to promoting mental health development and also mental health wellbeing and mental disorders. Therefore, the focus upon the promotion of mental well-being and reduction in mental disorders identifies the importance of mainly supporting mental well-being functioning effectively.

It can be stated that the application of the ecological model will effectively help by stating a big picture regarding mental disorders and mental well-being. On the other hand, this is also essential to develop a range of essential strategies to recognize the factors of influence upon mental-wellbeing concern (Gislason, Kennedy & Witham, 2021). This ecological model of health promotion and public health reflects the dynamic interplay and multidirectional complexity across the macro and micro levels. In addition, this model likewise works to respect the successful outcomes and reality that this type of intervention produces greater initiatives for contributing towards mental health wellbeing and mental disorders. Thus, the essential application of this ecological model provides a crucial matrix for directing and determining strategies that comprise consistent positive changes in the concern of mental health wellbeing and mental disorders.

4. Compare and contrast different mental health nursing practice models

I-Flow model underpins mental health nursing practices that focus upon innovative languishing and I-Flourishing opportunities that are applied within the mental health nursing practices. As per the view of Macfarlane (2021), this model applied within the effective mental health nursing practices related with a different perspective towards the other available frameworks. On the other hand, this I-Flow model positions flow and realism upon the epicentre, which generally suggests the constant dynamic kind of states related to homeostatic balance. Moreover, this model also identifies that mainly well-being can be an effective combination for managing negative and positive feelings, behaviours, and thoughts. In addition, the context of this model could be beneficial within the mental health nursing practices by increasing feedback and self-awareness. In contrast, the Trauma-Informed care model of mental health nur

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