Article Summary – “Supporting Families in End-of-Life Care and Bereavement in the COVID-19 Era”

Article Summary – “Supporting Families in End-of-Life Care and Bereavement in the COVID-19 Era”


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The article provides information about families taking care of their loved ones at the end of life care process in the COVID-19 period. Amid COVID-19, many families in palliative care face many challenges that seek support from people around them (Moore et al., 1245). In this article, Moore et al. point out the differences in the mortality rate of older adults in the COVID-19 era (1245). According to them, many people today do not show signs but can die instantly with symptoms of respiration error (Moore et al. 1245). The article further defines end-of-life care as a choice in which families choose to take care of their loved ones at home until their demise. As a result of this decision, the UK government chips in to support vulnerable people to make plans on their end-of-life care. The article provides insights on the importance of discussing end-of-life care decisions with the affected persons to understand their wishes. This will give room for promising care advancements from those giving the care and ensure that they follow the correct care methods without affecting the wishes of those in end-of-life care situations.

Moore et al. also point out some of the benefits of end-of-life care discussions. Some of the most prevailing benefits discussed in the article include ensuring those in end-of-life care can make preferences and choose those who can help them make decisions concerning their life. The decision-making process is essential for everyone under life-threatening situations, hence the need to choose decision-makers. Another benefit of discussion is less guilty in administering or making choices, for care givers-they will feel less guilty. The article further recommends arranging for this discussion in the early phase of onset of the disease to ensure that clarity of choice is gained. In the article, Moore et al. further point out the challenges COVID-19 brought in the decision-making process, and the methods families chose to make and preserve the decisions of their loved ones. The article also provides the necessary information to understand grief and bereavement as the death toll rises amid the COVID-19. Many people under palliative care have lost their lives, leaving their families under continuous grief. As a result, Moore et al. mention government support and public support during grief and bereavement. Therefore, it points out social support as an essential tool in providing care support to bereaved families.

In the article, the main ideas presented include government support, the palliative care decision-making process, its benefits, and the grief and bereavement process amid COVID-19. Many governments have health policies to support their people in the case of severe health situations. Moore et al. affirm that; “UK government policy is to support vulnerable people, including frail older people and those with dementia, to make advance care plans” (1245). These plans will ensure that end-of-life caregivers get the proper social support in and after the grieving period. End-of-life decisions or decision-makers need to get consent and direction from the affected when they still understand themselves for clarity. The article discusses the importance and needs for this forum and the benefits of the discussion process to both caregivers and those under the palliative care process:

Having discussions about end-of-life care can have multiple benefits. Significantly, it provides an opportunity for older persons to express their preferences for end-of-life care or to indicate who they would like to be involved in the decision-making process. This is important as they may be unable to contribute to these discussions when closer to the end of life. (Moore et al. 1245)

Therefore, in any end–of–life care situation, it is essential to involve those affected by the situation (caregivers and those receiving palliative care) in decision-making discussions to ensure that they are prepared for what will come after the end-of-life care process.

The article also provided all the necessary information to understand grief after the care process. However, it argues that end of care choices and discussion with social support eases the grieving process. It ensures that caregivers make decisions that will make them less guilty because they will have fulfilled the wishes of those under the palliative care process. Amid COVID-19, the article arguably insights the challenges caregivers face in these processes, which is helpful to people in similar situations in the future. It also mentions the need and essence of social support for those involved in the grieving process; “As the death toll from

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