Artificial Intelligence and How It Changes the World: Argumentative Essay

Artificial Intelligence and How It Changes the World: Argumentative Essay



Artificial intelligence is being used to make decisions in your life whether you like it or not. Artificial intelligence is a major part of life that can be a good part of humanity. What is Artificial Intelligence or as some people might say AI? Well, the CEO of DataRobot started his speech by saying: “AI is a computer system able to perform tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence... Many of these artificial intelligence systems are powered by machine learning, some of them are powered by deep learning and some of them are powered by very boring things like rules”.

This was a very interesting explanation of what AI really is and has turned out to be. AI has made huge strides in the last 50 years which was when it was introduced into the world of computers. It has been used for many things such as games, learning, in the workforce, and even in driving now. AI is changing the world in many good ways and helping the world prosper into something great with new advancements and better lives.



There have been major accomplishments done with AI one of them being safety in AI vehicles. Manufacturers are starting to make vehicles called ‘smart cars’. These smart cars are manufactured using AI, which the car uses this in its way of driving. The car is able to be driven autonomously which is without the need for human interaction. Self-driving vehicles are becoming more widespread because of how safe they are proving to be and the change we need in the way people drive today. In 2017, 40,000 people were killed in accidents on the roads and 90 percent of those accidents were caused by human error. We as humans are not perfect individuals, and we tend to make mistakes. These mistakes tend to cause harm to the surrounding people. So major car manufacturers are trying to solve the variable of human error and their tendency to become distracted and make mistakes while at the wheel in hopes to fix the car accidents and fatalities coming from them. People have been saying throughout the introduction of these new vehicles that they are more dangerous than humans driving. This has been proven wrong of car companies have made their cars 10 to 20 percent safer than if a human was driving. The way they are doing this is by adding sensors throughout the entire vehicle which are always scanning the road and area around the car. Humans can only scan and sense one part of the car at one time which is normally the front of the car. These sensors are able to tell the car whether it needs to speed up, slow down, or even to say there is an accident about to happen in the near future based on analytics in its software. This in itself is a major step in saving people, that percentage could save hundreds or even thousands of lives in the future. AI-driven vehicles are a major turning point in the future of AI and how it can be used to save lives and help make the world safer.

Another way AI is changing the world is in the workplace and workforce. Companies are beginning to incorporate AI into their production. This is causing controversy in the companies that have started implementing AI into themselves. There are many different ways that the implementation is happening. Companies are adding robots and management systems that help in the company working more efficiently. The management system using AI is able to learn from the statistics and able to analyze the products and profit margins to tell the bosses and robots what they need to do to gain more money or to stay where they are at. The companies can use robots to automate production. These robots can help in places where it is hazardous for humans to work and not approved by OSHA. The robots are able to recognize when they need to work and when they should not be working such as if a part is broken whether they should use it or not or if the management is telling it to stop and not use a certain piece. The use in AI is increasing production in certain workplaces by 40 percent which is a huge increase in production. People are afraid that the use of robots will take their jobs and lots of people will be jobless. This may true that some jobs will be taken but the use of new computer and robots means that parts will break and need more jobs and people to fix the broken pieces. So, it will be able to even itself out in the ratio of job loss to jobs created.

The final thing that AI is being used for on a major scale is the discovery and future of science. Robots and scientists are learning to work together. AI is helping scientists by learning and being able to do crazy scenarios and being able to test things that scientists don’t have the time for or even that the scientists cannot physically test. Approximately, a decade ago there was a robot named Adam. This robot’s job was to test different genes inside of yeast. The robot tried eve

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