Assessing Problem: Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations Health problems of the Patient in My Practice

Assessing Problem: Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations Health problems of the Patient in My Practice


The health problem selected for this project is postpartum depression (PPD). This

condition is a type of depression that affects mothers after giving birth. Studies conducted in

several health institutions have found that more than fifteen percent of mothers who give birth

every six months suffer from this condition (Stewart &Vigod, 2019). Being a mother is a life-

changing and intriguing encounter that brings the feeling of happiness while simultaneously

engulfing and exhausting. In the circumstance where an individual delivers, they are changes that

occur in their lives. This includes social, emotional, financial, and physical modifications

associated with low self-esteem and can sometimes become overwhelming. In most cases, the

above behaviours are signs of PPD.

In my practicum, I will be working with a mother who ws diagnosed diagnosed with PPD

after giving birth. To identify the right patient, I will monitor her after two weeks. The symptoms

to focus on will be rigorous mood swings and difficulty in bonding with the baby. Therefore, due

to the inability to bond with the baby, the patient will develop a sense of rejection toward the

baby, making her feel unworthy or poor mother. Seclusion from family and friends and lost

interest from fun activities was the most common symptoms noticed after examination of the

patient. This also affected her spouse and other family members. In addition, the patient often

becomes angry quickly, bored and tired, and quiet. The information collected helped select

interventions to help treat and prevent the condition from accelerating the patient.

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse who works in the Gynecological/ Obstetric

Department, it is essential in my future profession, as it will offer me insight and experience in

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