Assessment 1: Adverse Event or Near-Miss Analysis Analysis of Adverse Event

Assessment 1: Adverse Event or Near-Miss Analysis Analysis of Adverse Event

NURS FPX 6016 Assessment 1 Adverse Event or Near-Miss Analysis


Adverse events inevitably occur in healthcare and are actually common. An adverse event is an incident that occurs in a healthcare setting that results in an unintended clinical outcome (Liukka et al., 2020). They happen daily, even in the best of the best healthcare systems. How clinicians and hospital leaders respond to adverse event is vital to preventing or limiting them from happening in the future. Many people are impacted by an adverse event, not just the patient. It includes their family, the clinicians involved, and the organization where it occurred. 

An example of an adverse event that occurred during my clinical practicing time is a 67-year-old male patient who was admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) following open heart surgery for a valve replacement. Patients are started on Coumadin, which is a blood thinning medication, following this surgery and have to remain on the medication for the rest of their life. This patient was prescribed a high dose amount of Coumadin and the order was put into the electronic medical record. With multiple competing priorities on the nurses do list, when the Coumadin was due the ICU nurse took the medication from the Pyxis machine and administered it to the patient without checking the patient’s lab values for PT and INR. The INR was already elevated above 3.0 at 3.8 due to being on a heparin drip post-surgery. Coumadin was ingested by the patient and the INR at the next blood draw was at 4.4, a critically high level. This was all happening at the same time the patient was starting to become confused due to the extended stay of over twenty days in the ICU. Confusion can sometimes be known as ICU psychosis. With the confusion, the patient became a higher risk for falling. While the nurse was in another patient’s room during the evening part of her shift, she heard a cry for help and immediately went in to find the 67-year-old patient on the floor. After assessing for immediately visible injury the patient was assisted by staff and put back into bed with fall alerts being put into place, along with a patient sitter at the bedside. Later that evening the confusion worsened and a head CT scan was ordered which showed a subdural hematoma, a result of the fall and having too many blood thinners onboard. Greater than one million people per year in the United States have had a medication error when in the hospital. These errors not only lead to higher patient concerns regarding safety but also higher healthcare costs (Walroth et al., 2017). In this case, the fall, which was an adverse event, could have potentially been prevented if the nurse had implemented fall safety precautions after doing her assessment of the patient during her shift. She could have alerted the doctor and asked for orders to implement a bed alert or a bedside sitter with the patient. The fall which caused the subdural hematoma due to the Coumadin being administered resulted in a longer length of stay for this particular patient which led to higher medical costs. The length of stay was not complicated by any additional issues and the subdural hematoma resolved without surgery the patient was started on Coumadin at a very low dose after the heparin was discontinued. 

NURS FPX 6016 Assessment 1 Adverse Event or Near-Miss Analysis
The nurse did not receive any disciplinary action as a result of the event but was tasked with implementing a unit wide fall safety campaign to reinforce already in-place fall safety protocols and to provide additional education to the staff on the importance of fall safety. . 

Analysis of Implications to Stakeholders
There are many stakeholders involved any time there is an adverse or near-miss event, not just the nurse and the patient. These stakeholders include the patient, their family, the clinicians involved in the event and their peers, and the healthcare system. The first and most important being the patient who can suffer a poor clinical outcome and even possibly death. The patient’s activities of daily living (ADLs) could be impacted if the subdural hematoma has long-term impacts. Falls in an inpatient setting remain the leading cause of adverse events (Mikos et al., 2021). There is a difference in statistics depending on the type of inpatient unit it occurs in. Generally, rehabilitation units are the highest incident rate (Mikos et al., 2021). Inpatient falls are also more likely to occur between midnight and 6:00 am (Mikos et al., 2021). Reporting of a raw number of falls is crucial in the development of future protocols to prevent or decrease them from occurring in the future. 

The second stakeholders that are impacted are the clinician. Those primarily affected are nurses because various new policies on intervening to prevent patient fall will likely be implemented. Nu

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