Assignment Prompt This weeks first assignment is STEP 3 – Literature Review and Critical Appraisal. The student will complete the following items and submit a Word doc to the assignment link. Provide a title that conveys or describes the assignment. Literature Review – Provide the key terms used to guide the search for the evidence and provide at least five (5) summaries of research studies to support the evidence. Critical Appraisal of Literature – Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence, what is known from the evidence and any gaps in knowledge from the research evidence. References – Cite a minimum of five scholarly references in APA 7th ed format.

Assignment Prompt This weeks first assignment is STEP 3 – Literature Review and Critical Appraisal. The student will complete the following items and submit a Word doc to the assignment link. Provide a title that conveys or describes the assignment. Literature Review – Provide the key terms used to guide the search for the evidence and provide at least five (5) summaries of research studies to support the evidence. Critical Appraisal of Literature – Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence, what is known from the evidence and any gaps in knowledge from the research evidence. References – Cite a minimum of five scholarly references in APA 7th ed format.

Intervention Protocol to Improve Adult Vaccination Rates

Literature Review

Article 1

Reminders through messages and calls are some of the effective but highly underutilized methods that improve adult vaccination and reduce mortality rates among individuals. Development of centralized reminder centers and dispatching accurate information to individuals scheduled for vaccination has proven to increase vaccination rates and reduced mortality from vaccinatable diseases (Hurley et al., 2018). The experimental study is carried out among adults between 19-64 years without high-risk conditions needing influenza, diphtheria, tetanus, or acellular pertussis shots, and older adults above 65 years with high-risk condition needing similar vaccinations were sent three reminders and recalls randomly.

The outcome of the study showed that reminders increased influenza vaccinations among adults aged above 65 years without the risk of burdening medical practices or increasing cost for the activity. Therefore, a maximum of three reminders to adults scheduled for vaccinations improves the turn up rates without straining healthcare institutions or increasing overall costs.

Article 2

According to Mark Doherty, Giuseppe, & Stefania, (2019), vaccination should be viewed as a medical intervention for health promotion among adults. Vaccination programs among children are scheduled regardless of the health condition of the child. It is therefore a strategy to promote quality life among children as opposed to a medical intervention as it is among adults. Overall, global population is increasing thus an increase in the aging population as well.

To maintain a healthy older population, strategies ought to be put in place to promote vaccination rates among young and aging adults. To achieve this, adults should be educated on the importance of vaccinations as ways to improve life quality so that they are able to prevent diseases as opposed to curing, which is strenuous to the health facilities and to finances. In addition to vaccination programs, they should also be educated about maintaining quality diets and exercising.

Article 3

The study by Srivastav et al., (2018) is an online survey carried to determine the under-utilization of adult vaccines in the society. According to the study, Vaccines are proven to reduce morbidity and mortality among individuals across all ages. The observation is carried out among US citizens whereby a small percentage of the adult populations is aware of these vaccines. This means that they lack the knowledge about existing vaccines and how they are scheduled for the patients. Clinicians and pharmacist also lack knowledge of these vaccines thus making it difficult to educate adults concerning the same.

Therefore, one of the proposed interventions according to the study is to educate clinicians and pharmacist on available adult vaccines to enable them to pass the knowledge on to the patients that they interact. Also, they should be in a position to advice patients on health facilities that adults should visit and get access to these vaccines.

Article 4

According to Prins et al., (2017), inequality in adult vaccination programs is gradually increasing in the US. The aim of the study is to understand the source of disparities among minorities in the US and provide solutions to mend the existing gap. The study is an internet survey whereby data is collected to identify tools and resources available to support adult immunization programs and where they are mostly emphasized in the US.

The findings show that information concerning influenza vaccinations is issued to the majority populations while the minorities lack access to the information. Therefore, one of the major intervention towards increasing adult vaccination rates, is reducing the gap between the majority and minority through educating them equality and providing vaccination centers equally.

Article 5

The study focuses on HPV vaccination programs that were launched in 97 countries by 2017. The vaccination program is part of the adult vaccination intervention as the first dose is offered to girls before reaching 15 years. HPV vaccination is tested and proven to prevent cervical cancer among women yet it still remains underutilized (Zimet, & Osazuwa-Peters, 2019). According to the survey, social media and the internet offer a platform to spread false information concerning the virus thus a reduced acceptability rate of the vaccine among women and girls.

Clinicians and researchers therefore have a difficult time trying to campaign on the importance and the eligibility o

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