Assumptions NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 4 Advocating for Lasting Change

Assumptions NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 4 Advocating for Lasting Change


The Windshield survey findings highlight the necessity of enhancing healthcare services for economically disadvantaged groups within the Jordan community (Capella University, 2023). The underlying assumptions fueling the push for this policy revision among policymakers, community members, and healthcare providers center on ensuring equitable access to medical care for all segments of the community, irrespective of social, racial, or economic disparities.

Social Determinants of Health

Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions and resources influencing individuals’ health and well-being (Palmer et al., 2019). These determinants encompass environmental factors, educational opportunities, and healthcare access, as well as the social and physical environments impacting personal health. Survey findings indicate that for the Jordan community, critical SDOH include socioeconomic status, experiences of racism, levels of education, and the availability of healthcare services (Capella University, 2023). These factors contribute to disparities in accessing healthcare. Addressing these disparities through the adoption of telehealth technology could facilitate equitable healthcare access for all, regardless of socioeconomic or racial differences.

Windshield Survey and Environmental Analysis Findings

The Windshield survey and environmental analysis are instrumental in pinpointing both the health necessities and the environmental challenges within the Jordan community, highlighting areas for enhancement. This survey revealed the community’s assets, including its schools, parks, city council, healthcare facilities, eateries, and recreational venues. Despite these positives, issues such as poor water and air quality, along with socioeconomic disparities linked to lower income levels, present significant challenges (Capella University, 2023). Environmental assessments have shown the water in Jordan contains harmful contaminants, leading to diseases like cholera and hepatitis (City of Jordan, 2021), thereby exacerbating health inequalities and restricting equal access to healthcare. Implementing telehealth technology emerges as a viable solution to bridge these gaps, offering an efficient way to ensure universal healthcare access. Moreover, telehealth can play a crucial role in educating the community about environmental health risks. Additionally, the utilization of vacant spaces presents a unique opportunity to foster community-enhancing business initiatives.

Change Proposal

Addressing the issue of healthcare disparities, particularly in accessing medical services, is crucial. Current policies within the Jordan community must tackle the challenges faced by low-income individuals in accessing remote care. The introduction of telehealth technology is poised to bridge this gap, facilitating access to remote care. This change promises not only to make treatment more affordable but also to alleviate financial strain by reducing travel expenses and the need for costly insurance policies. As a result, individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds will have swifter access to healthcare services, irrespective of social, cultural, or racial distinctions. Through this transformation, the goals of enhancing healthcare accessibility, diminishing economic burdens, and delivering cost-efficient care are within reach. telehealth technology.

A wealth of research underscores the benefits of telehealth technology in enhancing access to healthcare services. According to Ben-Assuli (2022), telehealth emerges as a cost-efficient solution that mitigates the challenges and costs associated with travel for healthcare access. Sprowls et al. (2020) noted that telehealth played a pivotal role in supporting orthopedic surgeries during the COVID-19 pandemic, with video conferencing enabling surgeons to consult with peers for expert advice effectively. Furthermore, Hirko et al. (2020) highlighted telehealth’s vital contribution to narrowing health inequities by ensuring that medical care is accessible to everyone, regardless of their location. Telehealth technologies have revolutionized the provision of medical care, allowing for expert consultations and treatments through virtual platforms.

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