AWM2 TASK 1: Advocating for Policy Change to Improve Health Outcomes in the Community

AWM2 TASK 1: Advocating for Policy Change to Improve Health Outcomes in the Community

Trina L Gardner College of Health Professions, Western Governors University D025: Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles & Interpersonal Practice Deborah Dillard 12/11/2022 AWM2 TASK 1: Advocating for Policy Change to Improve Health Outcomes in the Community Advanced Professional Nurse as Advocate

2 Nurses, depending on their level of education, area of expertise, and patient population will advocate differently for their patients. A nurse who works for an individual patient in the clinical setting will be focusing on the needs of the individual patient. This would include collaborating with the patient's individual interprofessional team. This team would consist of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and therapists to ensure the best possible outcome for that induvial patient. (Bondurant & Armstrong, 2016). This advocacy happens within the clinical setting of the patient. The focus is often in a shorter interval and over a shorter duration of time. When advocating for an individual patient the advanced practice nurse isadvocating for patients when they are unable to advocate for themselves. This can provide a condition that also enables nurses to enter into therapeutic relationships with patients and their families and establish trust.(Galuska, 2016) The advanced professional nurse who advocates for an at-risk population in the community has a different focus. The advocacy is for a group and not an individual. This often requires identifying a need in the community and developing a plan. Research and factual data are going to be necessary to promote the idea. A team, an Advocacy Action Team (AAT) of thoughtfully constructed individuals will be needed to work together toward a common purpose as outlined by the nurse. The process takes time and collaboration. The AAT needs to be built on trust and mutual respect if it is to be effective. The process requires buy-in from a larger audience than when advocating for an individual person and can bring a larger and longer-lasting benefit. Both are necessary and essential parts of nursing care and process. Interprofessional Collaboration The advanced practice (AP) nurse will promote evidence-based strategies to the AAT through interprofessional collaboration. To begin, communication within the team will provide mutual respect and trust among all members of the team.(Jenkins, 2021)This is essential to have an effective collaborative effort. Professionalism,collegiality,and accountability will be facilitated by the AP nurse. Through open honest communication and strong facilitation, the environment of the AAT can provide a collaborative space for ideas and change to occur working towards a common purpose. The roles of each member need to be clearly defined. When members of the interprofessional team support one another by recognizing each member's unique skill set, strengths, and individual contributions to safe and effective patient care, this helps to build a culture of equal power and autonomy over each specific profession.(Jenkins, 2021)All of these will improve and increase the ability to work toward a common purpose and bring interprofessional collaboration. Data Driven Health Issue

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