Based on Anna’s risk factors and presenting problems, identify three care strategies that you would use to provide quality care to Anna. Provide a rationale to explain why you chose these strategies.

Based on Anna’s risk factors and presenting problems, identify three care strategies that you would use to provide quality care to Anna. Provide a rationale to explain why you chose these strategies.


Providing quality care to Anna requires the adoption of strategies that are specific to her situation and condition. The first strategy I would use to ensure that Anna has the best quality care to manage her breast cancer is to provide her with the best education on breast cancer. Such an education plan for Anna would include the major risk factors for the development of breast cancer, factors that exacerbate breast cancer symptoms and risk the development of other types of cancers, and the importance of regular cancer screening. Providing such information to her can help improve her adherence to therapy and self-care to manage and improve the outcomes of the breast cancer situation. Another strategy is to engage her in both physical and mental self-care. This includes physical activities and psychological therapies. This will help reduce and prevent the negative mental health outcomes associated with cancer development.

The third strategy is to educate Anna on the various available therapies to help her manage cancer development and get treated. This is important as it helps the patient make informed decisions on the type of treatment for breast cancer and reduces any negative outcomes such as mental distress and malpractice claims.

 References (2021, March 5). Risk Factors: Age. National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Momenimovahed, Z., & Salehiniya, H. (2019). Epidemiological characteristics of and risk factors for breast cancer in the world. Breast Cancer : Targets and Therapy11, 151.

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