Benefits of the Change for Community and Stakeholders

Benefits of the Change for Community and Stakeholders


The suggested transformation will offer advantages to both community members and stakeholders in Jordan. By enabling equal access to healthcare through Telehealth, individuals across all socioeconomic statuses, especially those from lower-income groups, will gain access to previously unaffordable medical services. This innovation will decrease travel expenses, aiding both patients and healthcare organizations in achieving a more sustainable work-life balance (Hirko et al., 2020). Furthermore, it will alleviate the burnout experienced by healthcare providers and nurses due to excessive workloads. Additionally, operational expenses in emergency departments are expected to decline as a result of reduced hospital readmissions.


The roll-out of telehealth technology necessitates financial and resource support from both governmental and private sectors. To launch and maintain this telehealth initiative, contributions from various organizations, alongside expertise from healthcare professionals, will be essential. Training for healthcare personnel is critical to ensure they can effectively utilize this technology for patient care. The budget for human resources encompasses salaries for the project manager, healthcare specialists, and nurse informaticists, in addition to fringe benefits like incentives and consultation fees. Moreover, initial setup costs will include expenses for equipment and ongoing maintenance.

According to Ravitz et al. (2021), the initial costs for setting up telehealth services can vary widely, ranging from approximately $15,000 to $150,000, influenced by the sophistication of the technology, the size of the medical team, and the extent of required resources. This expenditure will cover healthcare staff wages, technology setup, and initial upkeep. The proposed budget for this change is set at $35,000, accounting for human resource support, fringe benefits, and the costs associated with equipment setup and maintenance. The allocation for the first-year salaries is planned as $5,000 for the project manager, $10,000 for healthcare providers, and $4,000 for nurse informaticists. An additional $5,000 is earmarked for fringe benefits, with $100 allocated for consultation services. Equipment and installation costs are projected at $5,000, with another $5,000 dedicated to educational materials and $900 for conducting awareness sessions. This budgetary outline aims to facilitate the provision of telehealth services that enhance healthcare delivery outcomes.

Plan for Leading Transformation Change

The vision for change is to provide equal healthcare access to all members of the Jordan community without social, cultural, or racial differences. The proposed change will facilitate the individuals of the Jordan community through economic treatments and by providing remote medical access. In addition, the vulnerable community will benefit from the proposed telehealth change.

Evidence-Based Transformational Change

The Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement (ADKAR) change management model will address the barriers to change (Wong et al., 2019). This change model will help to bring transformational change in the Jordan community. The first step is creating Awareness (A) among stakeholders regarding the use of telehealth technology. The next step will focus on creating a Desire (D) for change by telling the adverse outcomes if the change is not implemented in Jordan’s community center. In the next step, Knowledge (K) will be provided regarding the use and application of technology. The next step is ensuring the sense of Ability (A) among stakeholders for Reinforcement (R) of the change process in the community center. The stakeholders can use all these steps to implement telehealth technology in the community center by changing the organizational culture of using the community center only for recreational activities. These changes in organizational culture through transformational change can be used for giving culturally appropriate medical care to all the individuals in the community. It will create healthy environments that encourage health and well-being for all individuals.

Ensuring Ongoing and Effective Communication

Effective verbal and open communication methods can ensure ongoing and effective communication among the stakeholder team. The key individuals accountable for implementing the change are community residents of Jordan, the project manager, nurses, healthcare care experts, and members of funding agencies. All the team members need to follow the steps of change management theory to implement the change process. One study demonstrated that the ADKAR change management model is helpful for project management evaluation in a pediatric healthcare center (Glegg et al., 2019).


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