BHA FPX 4003 Assessment 1 The Affordable Care Act and Beyond Impacts of the ACA and the American Rescue Plan Act (2021) on the U.S. Health Care Ecosystem Affordable Care Act Overview

BHA FPX 4003 Assessment 1 The Affordable Care Act and Beyond Impacts of the ACA and the American Rescue Plan Act (2021) on the U.S. Health Care Ecosystem Affordable Care Act Overview

Impacts of the ACA and the American Rescue Plan Act (2021) on the U.S. Health Care Ecosystem

Affordable Care Act Overview

Before the ACA, healthcare coverage in the U.S. was minimal, leading to a significant decline in healthcare accessibility and quality. The ACA aimed to provide health insurance to U.S. residents at affordable rates and enhance healthcare quality. It prohibited insurance providers from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions and regulated insurance costs.

The American Rescue Plan Act (2021) Overview

The ARPA was designed to provide tax relief and funds to various sectors, primarily focusing on providing stimulus payments and tax credits to alleviate financial hardships resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. It extended benefits such as stimulus payments and child tax credits to eligible residents, aiming to support the U.S. economy and households.

Impact on the U.S. Health Care Ecosystem

  • The ACA and the American Rescue Act (2021) share the goal of providing relief to the U.S. population. While the ACA aimed to enhance healthcare quality, the ARPA focused on aiding individuals in financial distress.
  • Present impacts of the ACA include improved healthcare quality and access for over a million U.S. residents, albeit challenges remain, such as affordability and government funding concerns.
  • The ARPA has immediate impacts such as increased taxes and heightened healthcare utilization, with potential future implications including higher taxes for working Americans and risks to Medicare and Medicaid coverage due to funding shortages.


Research into U.S. healthcare reforms over the past decade, particularly the ACA, reveals a trend towards improved healthcare accessibility and quality. Both the ACA and ARPA have provided benefits that contribute to healthcare advancement in the U.S., although challenges persist.


Adashi, E. Y., & Cohen, I. G. (2021). The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: A historic if transitory expansion of the ACA. JAMA : The Journal of the American Medical Association, 326(1), 27-28.

Galan, R. N. N. (2020, September 18). The Affordable Care Act: An update. Retrieved from


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