BHA FPX 4104 assessment 4 Human Resources: Strategy and Competitive Advantage Name Capella university BHA-FPX4104 Strategic Leadership and Workforce Planning in Health Care Human Resources: Strategy and Competitive

BHA FPX 4104 assessment 4 Human Resources: Strategy and Competitive Advantage Name Capella university BHA-FPX4104 Strategic Leadership and Workforce Planning in Health Care Human Resources: Strategy and Competitive


Advantage In this analysis, the current workforce will be examined in contrast to future needs, alongside an explication of the ideal staffing plan for the organization based on anticipated requirements. Additionally, measures for evaluating and gauging the success of an implemented staffing plan will be identified. Furthermore, the repercussions for an organization’s future if the workforce fails to adapt and meet the organization’s needs will be elucidated. Finally, an exploration of how human resources can serve as a competitive advantage within an organization will be conducted.

Part 1: Comparison of Current Workforce to Future Needs Capacity of Current Staffing The current staffing capacity at SAMC has been strained by its existing staff and leadership. The recent train derailment has exacerbated staffing limitations, particularly evident in the shortage of language interpreters in the emergency room department. The growing number of Limited English proficiency (LEP) patients has compromised the hospital’s ability to deliver optimal care to linguistically diverse patients. For instance, without multilingual nurses, adequate care for the Hmong and Somali communities in the vicinity would be compromised. Insufficient nursing presence in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) during evening and night shifts has also impeded patient care. SAMC operates on a razor’s edge concerning nurse staffing and must develop strategies to address these operational challenges. Failure to rectify nursing shortages would lead to loss of patient revenue to competing hospitals and increased staff turnover. Moreover, overburdening nurses with high patient ratios would result in longer wait times and diminished care quality, subsequently reducing patient volumes and census in the hospital (Bridges et al., 2019). Research by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) indicates that hospitals with low nurse staffing levels tend to experience higher rates of adverse patient outcomes such as pneumonia, cardiac arrest, and urinary tract infections (AHRQ, 2019). Consequently, neglecting staffing concerns could lead to job-related burnout among healthcare professionals, resulting in suboptimal medical care and decreased patient satisfaction (Heath, 2018). Part 2: Staffing Plan and Competitive Advantage Nursing Staffing as a Critical Factor Nursing staffing significantly influences the quality of care in hospitals and patient outcomes. It is imperative to augment staffing with a diverse workforce comprising nurses, physicians, and care team members. As Carlson (2016) suggests, the hospital workforce should mirror the diversity of the community it serves, with a commitment to cultivating cultural diversity endorsed by executive leadership (Heath, 2018). A diverse and adequately staffed unit would facilitate comprehensive patient care and alleviate the burden on nurses by distributing tasks evenly among team members. Three Measures for Evaluating the Staffing Plan Employee engagement is paramount for the successful implementation of staffing plans. Three measures to assess the effectiveness of the new staffing guidelines include weekly rounding in units and emergency rooms, conducting one-on-one or group discussions with frontline staff to solicit feedback, and establishing a monthly patient-to-provider metric ratio. This metric would identify departments with inadequate nursing coverage and the need for multilingual nurses to enhance patient care. BHA FPX 4104 assessment 4 Human Resources: Strategy and Competitive Advantage Implications of Unaddressed Issues The effective execution of organizational strategic plans hinges on employee engagement and cooperation. Without adequate staffing policies, strategic goals would be rendered ineffective. According to Lowe (2015), achieving a high level of employee engagement is crucial for realizing organizational goals and vision. Cohesion, transparency, and teamwork are essential to resolving employee grievances and realizing strategic objectives. Human Resources as a Competitive Advantage Human resources play a pivotal role in recruiting, training, administering, and managing employees within an organization. In the healthcare sector, staying ahead of competitors necessitates leveraging human resources to attract talented individuals who embody the organization’s mission, vision, and values (O’Donnell, 2019). Human resources serve as gatekeepers, conducting thorough background checks to ensure alignment with organizational objectives (O’Donnell, 2019). Conclusion In conclusion, hospital staffing should not be viewed solely as an expense to be minimized. Overburdening nurses with excessive patient assignments increases the likelihood of medical errors and compromises patient safety. To mitigate these risks, hospitals must prioritize adequate staffing to alleviate burdens on staff and enhance patient satisfactio

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