C. Case # 1676 Answering Questions Using Common Devices C1. Describe the technology and how it is integrated in the instructional process a. Identify the level of technology integration according to the SAMR model, and provide a rationale for your selection

C. Case # 1676 Answering Questions Using Common Devices C1. Describe the technology and how it is integrated in the instructional process a. Identify the level of technology integration according to the SAMR model, and provide a rationale for your selection

In this video, a special education teacher is in a class with 10th graders who have a variety of

disabilities. The educator is using an iPad as her technology tool within the classroom as she use 

it as a way to communicate with the students. The level of technology integration is

augementive, while using this device it helps the students answer questions about transportation

allowing for an easier way to communicate and understand each other.

C2. Explain how the technology integration affected the teaching and learning process.

Integration of technology in the classroom allowed for the educator and support staff to come up

with different methods and materials to use along with the communication application tool.

Using this tool will help these students with expansion in their vocabulary and help them learn


C3. Explain how integration at a different level of SAMR could improve student learning.

Integration at a different level of the SAMR model such as modification can be a way to improve

the students' learning process. In this process the educator can create a matching game in the

communication application to have the students click and answer. Without the use of this form of

technology it would be difficult to comprehend what a student is saying or if they have questions.

Incorporating this device and application allows for the students to actually participate with each

other, have a better understanding of what is being taught, and expand their vocabulary and

memorization skills. This slightly modifies what the educator originally was using with the

students and allows for students to work with their disability.

D. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted,

paraphrased, or summarized.

No references used other than video task

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