Capella University NHS-FPX-4000: Developing a Health Care Perspective

Capella University NHS-FPX-4000: Developing a Health Care Perspective

Health care professionals and medical providers frequently face ethical dilemmas during their daily practice, such as vaccines for children, their potential harm from them and the financial aspects.Medical providersare required to use their scope of practice to educate, provide a framework for safety, manage, coordinate and manage medical conditions, affecting babies through teenagers.Health care providers use these principals on a daily basis to make decisions for the best possible care for heir patients. Overview of the Case Study Chris and Jenna have a five day old daughter Ana, baby girl that was born healthy without any medical conditions or problems.Both parents decided that they want to raise their daughter in the best possible way naturally such as breastfeeding, pure organic food, and not allowing vaccinating Ana.Ana's parents are educated and did a research about the harm from the vaccines. They learned that they may cause Autism in some children. Dr. Angela Kerr is their daughter's pediatricians who listen to their concern and concluded that the parents made a decision not to vaccinate Ana even though this is a concern by the community.Dr. Kerr explained to them that vaccines are very important for children, and that they have saved millions of children lives in the world, and have decreased the children mortally.She also provided them with example such as: decrease incidence of infection from fatal Haemophilus influenza type b, is from vaccination against that bacterium, and recent outbreak of measles are associated with individuals that are not vaccinated against that pathogen. Dr. Kerr endorsed that the VAERS, (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) is a nationwide vaccine safety program that is responsible by the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers of Disease Control and2

Prevention. This system allows the public and health care providers to report adverse reaction to vaccines and enables the federal government to monitor the safety.Dr. Kerr stated the there's no proof that vaccines cause Autism, and that some children have a low immune system because they have other medical disease such as cancer. Also some children are very young to receive vaccines; instead they are protected because the rest of the children and adults were vaccinated.If many parents refuse to vaccinate their children more children are at risk to get sick, and possibly mortality and morbidity. She also stated that some States require students to have vaccination before they enter the school year. Even after Dr. Kerr educated the parents they still have made the decision on not allowing Ana to be vaccinated. Analysis of Ethical Issues in the Case Study In the case study the Ethical Issue is that the Smiths refused to vaccinate their five day old daughter. Dr. Kerr educated and explained to them how important it is to vaccinate Ana for her safety and the safety of other children, and the community. Ana' parents verbalized understanding of the doctors concerns and that they are still going to fallow their beliefs

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