Capella University NURS FPX4050 Assessment 1 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Capella University NURS FPX4050 Assessment 1 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan


In NURS FPX4050 Assessment 1 health care, integrated care is one of the pillars, mainly in running chronic conditions. A professional care coordination plan developed just for that single episode of care can be successfully regarded as a foundational block for organizing the entire process. This framework about the patient’s medical background and treatment goals is not unique among other protocols but also has points to align individual providers on how to contribute to the patient’s treatment (Olejarczyk & Young, 2022). Using a thoughtful answer to the health issues and the formulation of SMART goals, the basic plan is intended to improve patient outcomes and implement the philosophy of the healing-oriented approach. Tapping into community resources is another valuable approach to providing comprehensive patient care as it helps build the patients’ confidence and results in good health outcomes.

Perceptive Analysis of the Health Concerns

Chronic diseases present unique difficulties in healthcare management because of their long duration and diverse manifestations of effects on individuals’ physical, psychosocial, and cultural lives. In a chronic disease management analysis, it is important to remember the multifaceted set of what needs to be done and the concept of patient-driven care.

Studies-based best guidelines advocate for a comprehensive approach to NURS FPX4050 Assessment 1 chronic disease care by combining physical, biopsychosocial, and cultural aspects (Mescouto et al., 2020). Physical issues involve regular follow-ups about disease progression and whether patients take their meds correctly or adjust their diet and physical activity levels. Talk therapy, counseling, groups of survivors, and behavioral treatment supplies psychosocial support (De Jong, 2023). Awareness of cultural heterogeneity is critical it assists in understanding different opinions, behaviors, and attitudes toward care management.

NURS FPX4050 Assessment 1 Health Care

Systematic evaluations suggest that the kingdom of multidimensional chronic disease taking care of frameworks could improve patient results. For example, the evidence of collaborative care models shows that educational preparation, self-management, and effective coordination of care results in better control of chronic conditions and minimized utilization of the healthcare system (Couturier et al., 2022). A review of the systems by (Mei et al., 2023) recognizes the impact of psychological factors on long-term illness management. The study shows that intervention directed at depression and support systems has a significant effect on health outcomes and treatment adherence.

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Although studies show that the holistic approach to managing chronic diseases has been effective recently, some key assumptions have been made regarding these practices. Another assumption is whether patients have the power and know-how to devote themselves to healthy lifestyle choices (Varkey, 2021). Effective therapy adoption may be difficult for some patients: social status, health literacy, and access to resources determine the level of a patient’s ability to take the recommended treatment. Embracing the cultural component within the care plan requires an in-depth comprehension of the diverse cultural norms and values (Stubbe, 2020). This has left organizations and health professionals with no choice but to continuously evaluate and refine the best strategies for culturally competent care delivery.


For successful chronic disease management, particular goals should be set up that are doable, clearly measured, and can be reached from a short-range perspective, creating a road map for implementing intervention mechanisms and progress tracking over time.

Goal 1: Optimize Disease Control

The main target in disease management in chronic disease is to achieve optimal control of the disease, favorably keeping the symptoms stable, preventing complications, and enhancing well-being for a better quality of life. The attainment of this goal can be shown through measurable outcomes like meeting the desired LDL, HDL, total cholesterol, or triglyceride levels, reducing the number of disease exacerbations, and improving functional capacity (Lloyd-Jones et al., 2022). Through periodical disease markers and symptom evaluations, NURS FPX4050 Assessment 1 healthcare professionals can determine the treatment efficacy and implement treatment plan modifications when necessary.

Goal 2: Enhance Self-Management Skills

Patient empowerment is also a key pillar for long-term disease management; providin

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