Capital Punishment: Advantages and Disadvantages

Capital Punishment: Advantages and Disadvantages



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This paper analyses impact of death penalty. Actually, capital punishment refers to a death sentence on individuals who have committed unlawful deeds. Indeed, such punishment arises due to capital offences. Death penalty is normally conducted by knocking out head from an individual’s body. Initially, death penalty was practiced by many countries but currently several nations have abandoned the practice.

However, capital punishment has been a controversial issue in many nations. Indeed, many positions have been raised due to religious and cultural explanations, and political principles. In fact, the Holy Bible justifies death penalty against criminal offenses such as murder. In 1723, England parliament passed legislation that allowed capital punishment to curb criminal cases in the nation. This paper examines death penalty from an impartial view by considering disadvantages and advantages of capital punishment in society.

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Advantages of Capital Punishment

First, according to Zimring, death penalty eradicates criminal activities in a community (5). Indeed, capital punishment is an important mission for every person simply because it instills moral while discouraging criminal activities in society. Actually, dead victims would not commit more illegal actions either when freed from jail or in jail. Secondly, money is ever a limited commodity.

In this case, nations would utilize wisely their scarce resources to care their citizens who need help rather than spending such resources in imprisoning criminals for long term basis (Vermeules & Sunstein 56) Capital punishment is hence cost-effectual. Indeed, infinite appeals would spend much time and more resources in resolving death disputes. Death penalty is therefore cost-valuable.

Thirdly, Haney views that death penalty is a retribution action in which a victim is punished because of offenses committed (20). In fact, capital punishment is an eye for an eye formula which is revengeful with no forgiveness. Lastly, capital punishment is a deterrent device that has discouraged crimes. Actually, before committing crimes, criminals have to perceive possible impacts of their actions because they are aware of what death penalty justifies.

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