Case Study 1. Introduction- Client summary  The client is a 35-year-old man struggling to adapt to a transitioned lifestyle marred by tight job schedules and family roles. Since he is married with two children, nine and five years old, he must make sure that he shows his parental skills, provide for the family financially and prevent any health issue that might arise due to lack of physical exercise and mental rest. The client is undergoing three stages of development, such as psychosocial, cognitive, and physical.  Psychosocial Development

Case Study 1. Introduction- Client summary  The client is a 35-year-old man struggling to adapt to a transitioned lifestyle marred by tight job schedules and family roles. Since he is married with two children, nine and five years old, he must make sure that he shows his parental skills, provide for the family financially and prevent any health issue that might arise due to lack of physical exercise and mental rest. The client is undergoing three stages of development, such as psychosocial, cognitive, and physical.  Psychosocial Development

Erik Erikson states that individuals face new challenges in the process of growth and
development contributing to the need for perfect decision making that can prevent any health
complications. According to Erikson, choosing an occupation is a critical decision for self-
actualization (Chávez, 2016, p. 307). A wrong choice of occupation leads to the loss of personal
identity in the adolescent and young adulthood stages of development. Tony is an example of a
client who chose a demanding job as an IT consultant. Since he works with many multinational
companies, his tight schedules prevent him from fully exploring his social life. The situation has
contributed to losing his sense of self among the young adults since he cannot enjoy playing
AFL, cricket, and ultimate Frisbee that he relished during his young adult days in the University.
The situation shows a negative transition and the low self-esteem that has occurred due to an
occupation choice. Tony shows an aspect of confusion over a sense of self-exploration and
general identity as an adult. Erikson believes that such confusion and the need for self-image
affect young adults in the society. 
Physical Development 


Physical activity is integral to child development and its impacts on the health of both
children and adults is vital. Giselle proposed that physical activities and the stages of physical
development must be taken into consideration to create emotional balance and fine tune the
motor skills in adulthood. The concentration on physical development prevents diseases aligned
with cardiovascular conditions (Zeng et al., 2017, p. 2). It is evident that there is a lag in Tony's
physical development since he had elevated blood pressure arising from lack of childhood
physical activities. However, his participation in games such as AFL, cricket, and ultimate
Frisbee are indications of physical exercise aspect that took place in his life. Since his occupation
requires sitting behind a desk, he rarely finds time to engage in physical exercise. 
Cognitive Development
Jean Piaget proposed four stages of cognitive development in human beings that define
cognitive and mental representations and adaptation skills to different environments.
Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations are the stages that
Piaget perceived as integral to human cognitive development. Tony falls under the formal
operations stage since it entails cognitive development from the adolescent to adulthood. The
stage involves developing thinking and understanding societal issues and environments (Babakr
et al., 2019, p. 507). Tony thinks logically and engage in rational ideas that aid him in dealing
with work-family issues. His expertise in IT and the fact that he understands his social
drawbacks explain the cognitive development features. 
2. Current Development Needs 
Tony needs to discover his self of sense to adapt to different environments since he
changes job settings. The three to six months contract does not lead to the realization of
permanence or extended stay in a particular environment. He suffers from the confusion of the


sense of self and the need for social exploration. Since the client intends to provide a perfect life
for his family regardless of his social interaction and relationship with people and the
environment, the confusion is detrimental to his social growth. Therefore, he needs to discover
his sense of self and confidence in a challenging professional development to establish that he
perfectly completes the psychosocial development. Lack of realizing an identity leads to
depression and other diseases such as blood pressure that Tony is experiencing. 
Tony also needs Independence, locus of control, self-esteem to survive in a challenging
professional environment full of parental duties, demanding jobs, and cardiovascular diseases
that run in his family. Independence will aid Tony to make sole decisions that will be healthy for
his recovery from blood pressure. He can change his lifestyle by engaging in light duties or
physical exercise. Also, he needs high self-esteem to realize a vocational identity that would help
him balance the work schedules. He must also be optimistic about controlling the external forces
that affect his psychosocial development. For instance, tight schedules, changing environments,
and parental duties are some of the external forces. Therefore, he must fulfill the locus of control
as a developmental need to discover a balance in his psychosocial life. <

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