Case Study: The consequences of violating the safety and health regulations in a small engineering company

Case Study: The consequences of violating the safety and health regulations in a small engineering company


The case considered in this essay entails an employee who has suffered injury at work. As noted, during the time of the accident, there was no first aider who could attend to the injured worker. Therefore, the first regulation violated here involves the emergency and fire safety regulation. Secondly, the laboratory safety regulations are also violated. Thirdly, the regulations providing for establishment of safe working environments are violated. Lastly, regulations providing for emergency telephone access are also not considered.

Thus, under the afore-mentioned circumstances, the management would have done better by providing first aid services and training to workers and ensure that they are capable of caring for their injured co-workers. Moreover, the management should have outlined strict procedures governing the conduct of workers in the workshop or laboratory. In addition, the management is at fault for failing to establish safe working environments, which prevents unauthorized persons from using dangerous materials and providing safety to those working with hazardous substances. Lastly, it is a legal provision that any mechanical or electrical workshop should have an emergency voice messenger or live telephone for emergency cases.

Therefore, the financial implication for the irregularity committed here involves the management catering for the hospitalization costs the employee incurs in seeking medical attention. And if the worker suffers permanent damages or disabilities, the company should be responsible for the upkeep of this person and his/her dependants as may be determined by the judicial system. In addition, the company should pay the worker his/her monthly salary for the period this individual stays out of active service.


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This essay reviews the health and safety regulations and legislation available in the mechanical and electrical engineering environments. In addition, the essay describes the various features of these regulations. From the discussions above, various regulations are in place, which safeguard the safety and health of employees at work. These regulations also govern the conduct of these people in their day-to-day activities. Finally, a case study is given in this essay to illustrate the safety, health, legal, and financial implications involved in violating the regulations that are in place in the two environments. Therefore, it is the duty of the top management and the junior staff members in any organization to follow these regulations and ensure that their safety and those of others is protected.

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