Challenges of Organization in Addressing National CLAS Standards NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2 Interview of Health Care Professional

Challenges of Organization in Addressing National CLAS Standards NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2 Interview of Health Care Professional


Challenges in implementing the National CLAS Standards are a requirement for additional assets and instructions on the best way to interpret and apply the standards. Unfavorable patient results and the financial weight of blunders and inefficiencies that CLAS can lessen make it more costly not to execute the Standards. A concentrate by Isoherranen et al. (2019) examines that the inconsistency of responsibility measures and issues with correspondence within healthcare organizations are impediments to effectively implementing the National CLAS Standards. There might be critical correspondence challenges with local patients assuming that nursing staff are new to the nearby language.
The organization might confront hardships and challenges assuming there are absence of assets, and it can’t determine the standards accurately. The organization incurs extra expenses when it looks to select talented specialists, gather information on different racial gatherings in the populace, and train its ongoing staff (Think Social Wellbeing, n.d). Addressing National CLAS Standards may likewise be upset by the absence of fundamental healthcare choices in provincial regions.

Organization’s Strategies, Strengths, and Weaknesses

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2 Interview of Health Care Professional

In healthcare settings, immediate and direct communication is essential. A straightforward and accurate exchange of information is essential to the well-being and health of patients. The West Virginia University Hospital’s strengths include giving employees a voice and making the necessary adjustments to meet the CLAS standards. This step helps and boosts effective communication between staff members and patients. The staff is always willing to listen to the patients to improve communication by developing an internal communications strategy. Rangachari and L. Woods (2020) say that in-person meetings can also be held because they are essential. They are necessary for patients and healthcare professionals to communicate effectively. Regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion, the organization’s staff listens to patients and understands the significance of incorporating their priorities into treatment decisions. This shows respect for oneself and the organization. The staff understands how patients from various cultures view healthcare to meet the needs of a diverse population like West Virginia’s. As a result, the staff can tailor the patient’s questions, and treatment plans to meet the needs of the patients. Promoting diversity in healthcare can improve providers’ cultural competence and enable them to provide services that cater to their patients’ distinct social, cultural, and linguistic requirements according to culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) standards (Spitzer-Shohat & Chin, 2019). 

Gomez and Bernet (2019) also talk about strategies used in the WVU hospital that could lead to a therapeutic dilemma. Accepting other cultures and using precise language are two of these strategies.

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2 Interview of Health Care Professional

On the other hand, the re-equipment is one of the weaknesses in meeting the CLAS standards because the new staff sometimes needs to be better versed in using modern tools and healthcare equipment. It costs too much and causes the hospital to lose money, affecting the organization’s budget. WVU Hospital, on the other hand, takes advantage of the opportunity to educate healthcare workers on the most recent medical technology and is also introducing new, cutting-edge services to patients to improve healthcare.


NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2 Interview of Health Care Professional

Identifying health needs results in agreed-upon priorities and allocating resources to address health disparities and improve health. They also enable the target audience to contribute and foster collaboration and creativity.

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