Chapter 5: Implications, Recommendations[NU1] , and Conclusions Begin writing here…

Chapter 5: Implications, Recommendations[NU1] , and Conclusions Begin writing here…


☐ Begin with a brief review of the problem statement, purpose statement, methodology, design, results, and limitations.

☐ Conclude with a brief overview of the chapter.


Begin writing here…


☐ Organize the discussion around each research question and (when appropriate) hypothesis individually. Support all the conclusions with one or more findings from the study.

☐ Discuss any factors that might have influenced the interpretation of the results.

☐ Present the results in the context of the study by describing the extent to which they address the study problem and purpose and contribute to the existing literature and framework described in Chapter 2.

☐ Describe the extent to which the results are consistent with existing research and theory and provide potential explanations for unexpected or divergent results.

Recommendations for Practice

Begin writing here…


☐ Discuss recommendations for how the findings of the study can be applied to practice and/or theory. Support all the recommendations with at least one finding from the study and frame them in the literature from Chapter 2.

☐ Do not overstate the applicability of the findings.

Recommendations for Future Research

Begin writing here…


☐ Based on the framework, findings, and implications, explain what future researchers might do to learn from and build upon this study. Justify these explanations.

☐ Discuss how future researchers can improve upon this study, given its limitations.

☐ Explain what the next logical step is in this line of research.


            Begin writing here…


☐ Provide a strong, concise conclusion to include a summary of the study, the problem addressed, and the importance of the study.

☐ Present the “take-home message” of the entire study.

☐ Emphasize what the results of the study mean with respect to previous research and either theory (PhD studies) or practice (applied studies).



References[NU2] [NU3] 


Reference 1

Reference 2

Author, A., & Author, B. (year). Article title. Journal title, X(X), xxx-xxx.


 [NU1]Tip: A common tendency is to rush through Chapter 5 and fail to develop ideas fully. Take time to remember why the study was important in the first place and ensure Chapter 5 demonstrates and reflects the depth and importance of the study. Refer back to the study problem and significance and consider what professional and academic organizations might be interested in your research findings. As you complete Chapter 5, seek out avenues to present and publish your research.

 [NU2]Tip: Create your reference list as you develop each section. As each citation is included in the paper, insert the reference in this section.


If using a citation software, ensure all information is included and properly formatted. Although such programs can be helpful, they are not always correct.

 [NU3]For each reference listed, there must be at least one corresponding citation within the body of the text and vice versa.   [NU3]


The References should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author.


Note. Academic Writer, an APA Style resource provided to NCU students, has over 150 sample references. Learn how to register for an account here.



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