Client-Centered and Culturally Competent Care for Older Adults

Client-Centered and Culturally Competent Care for Older Adults


Gerontological nursing has been analyzed in regards to effective leadership styles and methods of care that are most effective for this particular medical field. Researchers have different opinions about this topic, but there are similarities when it comes to the overall scope of the implementations. In terms of leadership, one of the most effective leadership styles in organizations and institutions is transformational leadership. Researchers refer to transformational leadership as effective in gerontological nursing due to the implications of team motivation and conflict mitigation (Fiset et al., 2017).

Nurses may experience burn-out and low morale if working for long hours or experiencing difficulties with particular patients. Transformational leaders tend to ameliorate such issues and create a positive work environment. Moreover, employees with high job satisfaction are more likely to provide patients with high-quality care. Other researchers suggest innovative leadership as a successful model in the field of care for older adults (Burggraf & Mueller, 2020). Such leaders use innovative tools, methods, and strategies when dealing with medical providers and patients. However, innovative leaders are not as prone to conflict mitigation and team motivation and, instead, focus on new techniques and models that may benefit the facility. Thus, transformational leadership appears to have more benefits.

Differences also occur in the methods of care. For example, the case method is the model in which the healthcare provider is responsible for all the nursing functions that a patient requires. Such individualized strategies have been positively received by patients who prefer this particular tactic (McDaniel et al., 2020). On the other hand, team nursing is rather functional during crises, which was illustrated during the COVID-19 pandemic when multiple nurses were responsible for many patients (Beckett et al., 2021). However, this model does not contribute to the patient-nurse connection that is valuable in gerontological nursing. Thus, the case method is more effective.

The objectives in regards to gaining new knowledge about leadership and methods of care in gerontological nursing allowed me to have a general understanding of the strategies that I will use in my nursing practice. I have met the objectives by improving my theoretical skills that will be put into practice by mitigating conflicts and focusing on case method care. Thus, in a position of leadership, I will focus on motivating the team and minimizing challenges. When working with patients, I will put effort into creating a one-on-one connection and providing individualized care.

Intentional Learning

Intentional learning is widely used in nursing, including in care for older adults specifically. This method of learning illustrates the conscious decision to receive new information, analyze it, and possibly use it based on the situation. Researchers mention this specific action as a way to enhance the level of care for older adults (Boscart et al., 2020). An example would be observing how patients react to different approaches to communication.


In one case, the interaction can be direct and fact-based. On the other hand, communication can be more empathic and subjective. Learning about whether senior patients prefer the first or the second method will allow for a more effective communicative strategy in the future. Questioning patients is another excellent example of purposeful learning. The question may approach the topic of wounds or injuries. If the nurse asks senior patients what action, location, or circumstance is most likely to compromise their mobility, the answers will give insight into how to mitigate risk factors. In this case, if the patient is more vulnerable to such issues in the morning after waking up, monitoring during this time will be an effective solution.

Examining the topic of intentional learning in both physical and psychological areas of care provided me with a strategy to approach challenges and situations based on observations and feedback purposefully examined. This method will help me in my practice since I understand how to utilize information in a way that will be helpful in future practices. Moreover, looking at such factors as analytical data can minimize possible mistakes, errors, or misunderstandings in my nursing practice.

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