Cognitive Behavioral Therapy versus Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy versus Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy



According to the World Health Organization, mental and behavioral health disorders are a global public health concern that affects more than 70 million people at one point in life. This estimate contributes to approximately 10% of the global disease burden and is expected to increase by the year 2030 (David et al., 2018).  In the United States, behavioral and mental disorders affect close to 50 million adults. However, despite the high prevalence, highly recognized therapies are effectively being used to alleviate this problem resulting to improved health outcomes CBT vs REBT Essay. The best examples of therapies being used are: cognitive behavioral therapy and rational emotive behavioral therapy.


Cognitive behavioral therapy is a treatment approach used to manage people with different mental and behavioral health problems based on thoughts, behavior and emotions. In comparison, rational emotive behavioral therapy emphasizes on rational thinking for the development of healthy expressions and emotional behavior. This paper discusses the similarities and differences between the two behavioral therapies and how the differences might impact my clinical practice as a mental health counselor. CBT vs REBT Essay To add on, I will discuss about the version of cognitive behavioral therapy I would use with clients with supporting reasons.

Similarities Between Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) And Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy and rational emotive behavioral therapy use theories which are founded from the ABC model. Therefore, the two therapies have similar beliefs in terms of development and maintenance of psychopathology (Brown  & Gaudiano, 2013) CBT vs REBT Essay.  To add on, the practical applications of both CBT and REBT are the same more so in terms of organization and interrelations of beliefs which may either be labeled as irrational or dysfunctional. The last similarity is that the major notions of CBT and REBT uphold that human behavior and emotions are highly dependent on individual beliefs, ideas, thinking and attitude and not by the sole occurrence of events. Therefore, for behavioral and emotional change to occur, one has to change his/her thinking.

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