Collaborative Partnership with Young Children & Their Families

Collaborative Partnership with Young Children & Their Families


Over the years, research has shown that there are a number of positive and negative
effects that come about from collaborative partnerships of young children and their families. This
is because when program staff members and parents work together with shared, significant, and
meaningful aims the capability to truly improve the young children’s outcome is enhanced. Most
research studies that have been conducted on the effects of parent-professional intervention in
children early learning show that there are many benefits that are accrued from these
collaborations (May, 2013). Besides, studies that have been conducted on home-schooling
greatly contribute to these findings as they show that young children who learn at the home
environment in the presence of their parents tend to perform much better than those who work on
a learning environment that is exclusively operated by program members and administration. In a
home learning environment, young children tend to have a strong and more developed social and
intellectual context (Walsh, 2008). Strong partnership and services accorded to children in their
early childhood meet the educational and social development aims of these children. This is
because among most young children the love and attention that they get from their parents tend
to play a very crucial role to them.
Besides, working among individuals whose love and value really matters to them yields
fundamental effects on the development of young children. The outcomes of family engagement
in young children have been seen in play environments. Children tend to be very active and
comfortable in the presence of their families (McKenzie, 2006). This is because they are fond of
their families. However, very little referencing has been made on the negative effects of
collaborative partnership of young children and their families. Besides, very little referencing has

been made on the different principles that should be put in place in order to ensure that the
collaborative partnership is done in an effective and more productive manner than the
contemporary way. Consequently, this is essay is important as it will cover the effects of
collaborative partnership of young children and their families as well as the various disciplines
that should be applied on the same.
Importance of Collaborative Partnership with Young Children & Their Families
Collaboration partnerships with parents and their families is an important activity to both
the parents as well as the children. Children learn about the world and their growing environment
through such collaborations. Play routines are created between the parents. Through the
partnerships, children are guaranteed of education even in out-of-home settings and schools. This
include education through playgroups, preschools, and primary schools. In this regard, the
child’s learning and development is enhanced trough through partnership collaboration with
young children and their families. Therefore, parents should ensure that this collaboration starts
at an early age. Research shows that early childhood education should be administered to the
children at young ages, toddlers and children incorporating shared partnerships between the
families and other childcare practitioners (May, 2013). Therefore, a partnership approach
between them is crucial in ensuring that children and their families work together since this
practise improves the learning outcomes of the young children. Additionally, the involvement of
parents can be a powerful driving factor to the educational and other program success of their
children. This is regarded as the best practise towards childhood development and instruction.
Besides creating successful educational outcomes and instructions, teachers should ensure that
they collaborate with the children’s families to help the children understand the importance of
understanding home languages.

Another significance of collaborative partnerships with young children and their families
is that it reduces the time that is spend on documentation. This ensures that teachers have enough
time to focus on what is important during the teaching process, in this case, education and their
parents. Regardless of the curriculum framework that teachers follow, collaboration partnerships
with parents and their children ensure that teachers have time to do more for the children. There
are also other specific benefits of collaborating with both children and their parents especially to
the children. First, this collaboration is important since it helps improve the o

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