College Education: Arguments For and Against

College Education: Arguments For and Against



“Should every student go to college?” is a debatable question. The heated “How essential is a college education” debate against and in favor of the question became very common. This essay analyzes both the reason why not to go to college and why college education is important.

Table of Contents

College Education Arguments: Introduction

A college education is important, yet its cost has become an issue. Some feel that the cost is too high, and the returns very low. Many people from parents, students, the press, and the public have all voiced their concern over the cost of a college education.

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Due to the high cost charged in tuition, room, as well as board prices college, has become out of reach to many people. This paper will endeavor to discuss the reason why college is worth students’ time and money in spite of the high cost.

Many people wonder if college is worth it. More and more young people are enrolling in college in the twenty-first century in spite of the high cost.

There is “evidence to suggest that in an increasingly knowledge-intensive society, the value of a college education- at least as measured by the difference in earning capacity afforded by a college degree- is continuing to increase” (Duderstadt 23). This has led many people to seek higher education in the twenty-first century.

College Education: Arguments For

A college education is worthwhile because it has become a trend in society today. There is increased value for advanced education because “one’s knowledge is the key in determining personal prosperity and well being” (Duderstadt 23).

In addition, courses in technology-intensive areas such as information technology, medicine, engineering, and others cost more, but students who enroll in them are more likely to get a job because of the high demand for knowledge in those areas. Therefore, students get jobs, and the jobs are well paying; thus, their living standards improve.

There is a demand for people with higher education in the job market. Economists explain that there is a “correlation between ability and earnings” (Smart, 29).

Becker urges that there is a higher demand for higher ability represents higher returns because” persons who produce more human capital from a given expenditure have more capacity or ability” (124). In addition, Mincer (56) agrees, “differences in levels of demand curve represent individual differences in productivities or abilities. Economists agree that an individual’s ability is related to their level of education.

People with a college degree earn more than those without. According to the Census Bureau, people who only have a high school diploma earn an average of about $1.2 million in their adult working life while those with college degrees earn an average of about $1.6 million. There is a difference of $ 400,000 due to the lack of a college degree.

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Therefore, a college degree is worthwhile because it enables one to earn a higher income. In addition, “college graduates also enjoy benefits beyond increased income” (Lougheed 137).

A 1998 report published by the Institute for Higher Education Policy showed that college graduates enjoy higher savings levels, have increased professional as well as personal mobility. They are able to provide a higher quality of life to their offspring. College graduates are also able to make better consumer decisions and enjoy more leisure and hobbies activities (IHEP 1).

College learning equips an individual with paramount reasoning, communication, reflection, and tolerance skills. These skills are very important in problem-solving as well as resolving conflicts that one encounters ” in the course of personal or professional life” (Benefits of College Education 1).

Moreover, college education helps one to “understand other people’s viewpoints, and learn how to disagree sensibly” (Benefits of college Education 1). Therefore, one is able to lead a satisfying life, depending on how they learn to resolve crises and conflicts. It is important to note that these skills can be learned without attending college, but the college environment enhances their development.

College graduates get an opportunity to expand their “social h

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