Communication  NR 351 Week 6 Professional Paper Essential Principles of Communication in Professional Nursing

Communication  NR 351 Week 6 Professional Paper Essential Principles of Communication in Professional Nursing


    Communication is the exchange of information, thoughts, and feelings among people using speech or other means.  Effective communication occurs when all parties understand the message that is being told. It is the nurse’s responsibility to ensure the message that they are sending to the patient is being received correctly.  Also, Communication between medical staff must be conveyed accurately to decrease error and mistreatment ( Hood, P. 87). 

    Essential Principles of Communication in Professional Nursing

    Communication between nurse and patient is an important part of health care.  Patients must be able to trust their nurses to provide them with the best care.  “ Communication is an essential element of helping or helping others.  Mutual goals cannot be defined or achieved without effective communication (Hood, p. 87)”.  In order for patients to be compliant with medical orders, they must understand their medical conditions.  This is achieved with effective communication between the medical staff and the patient.  The nurse, among other role, is the liaison between all medical staff to ensure the patient understands what is going on and that they are receiving the care they need.

    NR 351 Week 6 Professional Paper

    Communication between peers is also an important aspect of patient care as well.  “Nurses and other health care team members must work together to achieve the common goal of providing the best possible care for clients ( Hood, p. 106)”.  They must be able to create a health care plan to ensure all the patient’s needs are met.  Communication between the medical staff is also important when giving handoffs between providers. They must effectively communicate the patient’s current health status along with pertinent past medical history.  Having a systematic approach could help ensure a clear communication line ( Robins, p. 265).

    NR 351 Week 6 Professional Paper

    Advantages of Using a Formulated Checklist for Handoff Communication 

    Using a checklist as a guideline can help providers give a more accurate report to the nurse so that important information is not omitted during handoff (Robins p. 268).  When using a systems approach providers have a guideline on how to give handoff to each other ensuring all information is given in a clear and concise manner that will ensure the patient will continue to receive the proper care whether it be during a change of shift or post-op care ( Robins, p.265).  Using this approach can help reduce the probability of medical errors by using a checklist that providers can use as a reference  

    NR 351 Week 6 Professional Paper


    It is important for nurses to communicate with their patients so that they patient is informed and have a good understanding of their personal health.  Communication is important across the board.  Nurses need to communicate with other medical staff as well. We must give thorough reports to one another to ensure that the patients are receiving the best care they deserve. Communication using a checklist system can help streamline hand-off and give the receiving provider the tools necessary for them to provide the best care that can be given.  It can help prevent holes in patient healthcare and give efficient care.

    NR 351 Week 6 Professional Paper

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